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Статья «Миграционная проза Германии как актуальное средство кросскультурной сенсибилизации»

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1. История и теория культуры
Страницы 18-28
Тип [RAR] – Научная статья
Коды [УДК] 130.2
Миграционная проза Германии как актуальное средство кросскультурной сенсибилизации
Migration prose of Germany as a means of cross-cultural relevance of sensitization
Марина Сергеевна
Костромской государственный университет
Marina Sergeevna
Kostroma State University
Postgraduate student
В статье рассматриваются функции, предназначение и цель современной литературы, имеющей коммерческий успех. Автор выделяет несколько особенностей миграционной прозы, носящей межнациональный характер и поэтому являющейся одним из средств по развитию межкультурной толерантности.
The article deals with the functions, purpose and goal of modern literature, which has a commercial success. Artistic creativity is understood as a multifunctional meaning making category, building up an imaginary world of the new reality, in this case it is not only a way of conceptual knowledge of the world, but also the reflection of reality. The process of global cultural, political and economic unification initiates convergence and fusion of different linguistic and cultural communities. In this context, the literature is a cognitive tool, bringing knowledge about another culture, and fostering respect for its traditions and customs. The author identifies several features of the migration of prose, bearing the supranational nature and which is one of the means to promote intercultural tolerance. Making cross-cultural content is characterized by linguistic choices of humor and satire, such as the laughter, opening an imaginary space, easing the pressure of the surrounding world and restoring the stability and integrity of being an individual, making process of accepting foreign culture less stressful.
"Humor is a way of saying somethi...
Ключевые слова
Миграционная проза
юмористическое восприятие
культурные реалии
межкультурная коммуникация
Migration prose
humorous perception
cultural realities
intercultural communication
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