Раздел |
2. Русская культура и цивилизация |
Страницы | 65-76 |
Тип | [RAR] – Научная статья |
Коды | [УДК] 82:008 |
Заглавие |
“Полифонический символизм” Андрея Белого как космологический принцип русской культуры XX века: смыслы, структуры, коннотации[ENG]
Andrei Belyi's "polyphonic symbolism" as a cosmological principle in russian culture of the XXth century: meanings, structures, connotations |
Авторы |
Аннотация |
В данной научной статье рассматривается феномен «символического симфонизма» в творческом контексте исканий Андрея Белого в качестве критерия выстраивания методологического инструментария для постижения неоднозначности смысловых интуиций культурных феноменов Серебряного века. Этот концепт позволяет выстраивать культурную типологию искусства XX века в синтезе музыкального, поэтического и художественного начал, признавать не только культурным кодом реальности, но и обращать внимание на то, что это своеобразный метатекст русской культуры в целом.
Within the scope of this research article the author considers the concept of Andrei Belyi's "symbolic symbolism" as a factor of his creative intentions for comprehension of complex, universal and by far not ambiguous fundamentals in cultural philosophy of the XXth century. In this respect for Andrei Belyi the fundamental concepts for identification of natural essence became the methodological criteria of phenomenological, ontological, structurally functional and cosmological methods of creation revelation as a special form of implementation of theurgy condition of a self-actualizing man. The adequate mouthpiece of their ideological-formal intentions is the word as a condenser of external and internal, empirical and transcendental exploitation of Russian culture, inimitable musicality of Genesis symbols which grow from the theurgy perspective of cosmology. From here the two foundational approaches in Andrei Belyi's creative world view are formed. The first is defined as intuitive-contemplative. Its essence lies in considering the cognitive process of the phenomenon in the modus of empirical practices of an individual's intuitive experience which helps accurately examine and set up contemplation in the form of the idea of objective artistic feeling. That feeling outputs the primary antinomic connection between the actualizing man and cognizable things. The second type is called intuitive-dialectical. The type's specificity lies in the fact that it refracts aesthetically contemplative intuition as a variant of immanent perception and directs its power modus to the area of exploration of dialectical proceeding of the object which personifies determination of consciousness towards the borders of supersensible transcendental sphere i.e. wherein the universal harmony originates. Therefore Andrei Belyi considers an artist as a demiurge of culture, who is tracing the perspectives of its genesis through the prism of antinomic combination of immanent and transcendental planes and their continuous participation in sacralization of the world.
Текст |
Введение Культурфилософия Серебрян...
Ключевые слова |
Бытие символ антиномичность имманентность трансцендентность русская культура магичность эмпиризм интуитивизм сакральность феномен полифонический символизм [ENG]
Genesis symbol antinomy immanence transcendence Russian culture empiricism intuitionalism phenomenon polyphonic symbolism |
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Файлы | 4-gubanov.pdf |
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