Раздел |
3. Диалог культур и цивилизаций |
Страницы | 78-112 |
Тип | [RAR] – Научная статья |
Коды | [УДК] 82-3: 008 |
Заглавие |
“Шолоховская школа” в мировой литературе[ENG]
"Sholokhov School" in the world literature |
Авторы |
Аннотация |
Статья посвящена «шолоховской школе» в мировой, особенно немецкой, литературе. Знакомство зарубежных писателей с произведениями М.А. Шолохова было не только культурной потребностью, но и явилось важнейшим фактором в разработке актуальных задач национальных литератур. Освоение Шолохова-художника в данном русле способствовало их поступательному развитию. Так, немецкие писатели (ГДР) наметили основные установки подлинно исторического понимания и бытования в своей культуре русского гения. В этом заключается огромное значение диалогических взаимосвязей как существенной стороны мирового литературного процесса.
The article is devoted to creative influence of Russian genial writer on the world's literature process, more so on German. The exposure to his heritage by many workers of culture from the East, the West and Slavic world, who were eager to chase all the important social and historical changes taking place in their countries on their works was not only a cultural need. It turned up to be an efficient factor in development of actual tasks of national literatures. The reclamation of Sholokhov-the artist backed on traditions in the given stream objectively contributed to their progressive advance in representation of national character, origin and development of new individual and national consciousness, the genre of epic novel. The classic's creative experience, being the backbone of word-level art, contributed to potential revelation of writers' endows in foreign literatures of the XXth- XXIst centuries, and to profound reflection of major social events. Thus, German authors from DDR where Sholokhov was very popular without precedent arranged a large "Sholokhov school". The school made a name in problematic and collisions of novels, in the imaginative system of those who is looking for the truth in life, in resorting to accurate and rich popular language. They traced the main attitudes of the original historic conception and prevailing of the Russian Artist in their culture-civilization. The DDR writers put forward great masters who enjoyed a substantial advance with scientific audience and readership. Here lies the enriching part of dialogic interrelations as an essential branch of the world literary process.
Текст |
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Ключевые слова |
Шолоховская школа
типологическое сходство творческое влияние модель человеческого бытия учитель в литературе и жизни тема доверия «немецкие Мелеховы» [ENG]
Sholokhov school
typological similarity creative influence model of human life teacher in literature and in life theme of trust "German Melekhovs" |
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Файлы | 5-stopchenko.pdf |
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