Раздел |
2. Русская культура и цивилизация |
Страницы | 51-64 |
Тип | [RAR] – Научная статья |
Коды | [УДК] 304.4: 008 |
Заглавие |
Массовая культура и реклама в России: взаимовлияние феноменов на рубеже XIX-XX веков (на примере журнала «Нива»)[ENG]
Mass culture and advertising in Russia: interference of phenomena at the turn of the XIX-XX centuries (by the example of "Niva" magazine) |
Авторы |
Аннотация |
Статья посвящена взаимосвязи массовой культуры и рекламы в России конца XIX- начала ХХ веков. Проанализировав вкратце процессы демократизации культуры и роста рекламной активности на рубеже веков, автор рассматривает их взаимное влияние друг на друга. Автор обращается к дореволюционной периодической печати, так как она соединяла в себе как элементы зарождающейся массовой культуры, так и рекламу. Таким образом, массовая культура и реклама работали в связке: первая служила прародительницей новых потребностей, а вторая являлась орудием их пропаганды.
The subject of the article is the comparative analysis of reciprocal interference of mass culture and advertisement in Russian Empire at the end of the XIX the beginning of the XIX centuries. As an example the author considers the advertisement from "Niva" magazine- one of the most popular periodicals at the turn of the century which was the carrier of mass culture focused on general reader. The article objective is to study the concrete forms of interference between advertisement and mass culture. The work is based on the methodological principles of historicism and scientific objectivity which assume validity study, historic evidence and events as time-varying features. The methods used in our analysis are the common scientific methods of comparative analysis, induction and deduction. The research results can be used when reading the courses devoted to mass culture and advertisement. The author concludes that democratization of culture rendered a noticeable impact on formation of print advertising market; foremost entering the communication and so changing the advertisement itself. In the second place it widens advertising market for account of uprising of new demands. So hereto the mass culture and advertisement worked for each other: the first was the progenitor of new demands and the other was the vehicle for their propaganda. That is to say mass culture aside from entertaining the advertising market received a noticeable payback from it. All in all- one phenomenon estimably strengthened the other.
Текст |
Введение На рубеже XIX-XX веков...
Ключевые слова |
культура демократизация массовая культура журналы [ENG]
culture democratization mass culture magazines |
Ссылки |
Файлы | 3-sukhoterin.pdf |
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