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Статья «Особенности языка в современном социокультурном пространстве и личностном измерении»

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Тип [RAR] – Научная статья
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Особенности языка в современном социокультурном пространстве и личностном измерении
The language peculiarity in modern socio-cultural space and personal dimension
Ольга Петровна
Сибирский государственный индустриальный университет
Старший преподаватель кафедры иностранных языков
Ol'ga Petrovna
Siberian State Industrial University
Senior lecturer of the department of foreign languages
Надежда Константиновна
Сибирский государственный индустриальный университет
Доктор культурологии, завкафедрой социологии, политологии и права
Nadezhda Konstantinovna
Siberian State Industrial University
Full Doctor of Cultural Studies, head of the department of sociology, political science and law
Статья посвящена исследованию особенностей языка в современном социокультурном пространстве, выявлению механизмов его трансформации (методологический аспект), взаимосвязи и взаимовлияния языка и общества, языка и культуры (постмодернизм), языка и типа мышления, духовности человека.
The article is dedicated to study of language peculiarity in the modern socio-cultural space, to revelation of mechanism of its transformation (methodological aspect), correlation and reciprocal influence of language and society, language and culture (post-modernism), language and mindset, person spirituality. Particularly, the principle of synergy is formulated in this article and it is shown that the synergy is the mechanism of language evolution. The intercultural communication is a rather complex construction in the modern world needing the integration of various styles, forms, senses and thereof it is the means of innovations in the studied area. It is specified that anthropological changes concern the language sphere. The transformation of valuable word content is shown. The possible reasons of new type of thinking formation, person perception of the world and spirituality connected with a language destruction are established. The concept "quantum" logic lowering quality of thinking which formation is caused by the influence of the modern technical and technological means on a way of the world perception shall be regarded. For the first time the analogy between the characteristics of postmodern language (it is free, incomplete, text production is always the game, etc.), their reflections in personality is drawn in the article, that confirm the influence of language on its bearer cultural essence, prove its influence on communication which can be realized through semiotics space with the whole world.
Введение В современном языке, как...
Ключевые слова
межкультурная коммуникация
тип мышления
cross-cultural communication
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