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Статья «Нарративные стратегии в современном телевизионном сериале»

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4. Культурные процессы и культурные институты
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Тип [RAR] – Научная статья
Коды [УДК] 778.5
Нарративные стратегии в современном телевизионном сериале
Narrative strategies in contemporary TV series
Светлана Владимировна
Государственный академический университет гуманитарных наук
Аспирант, научный сотрудник
Svetlana Vladimirovna
State Academic University for the Humanities
Postgraduate student, research associate
В данной статье рассматривается сериал как специфичное медийное произведение, в ходе анализа которого значима специфика его внутреннего устройства (синтагматические и парадигматические связи между формальными элементами), прагматика и идеология, специфика реализации процесса коммуникации.
In the context of discursive media studies there was a tradition to consider mass communication as a discursive practice. Produced and broadcast media messages feature a semiotic system realized by using a set of semiotic codes, on the one hand, and a discursive act, i.e. the process of interaction between two parties by means of semiotic system in specific social circumstances, on the other hand. This approach to understanding the message of the media involves the analysis of the internal structure (the text), external keynotes (the context) and a dynamic component (the implementation of the discursive act). The author in the article considers TV series as a specific media production, which analysis is a significant feature of his internals (syntagmatic and paradigmatic relation between formal elements), pragmatics and ideology, the specific of the communication process implementation. The series is a media phenomenon with the narrative dominant. Narrative structure, that is distinctive also for many other texts of the media, is the basis of the text in the series, which determines the syntagmatic, paradigmatic relationships within the series (the system of characters, a set of story lines, etc.), pragmatics and communicative potential of the series.
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Ключевые слова
нарративная схема
The series
narrative scheme
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