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Статья «Инновационное развитие аква- и марикультуры в Магаданской области»

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Тип [RAR] – Научная статья
Коды [УДК] 338.242
Инновационное развитие аква- и марикультуры в Магаданской области
Innovation changes in aquaculture and mariculture of the Magadan region
Оксана Владимировна
Северо-Восточный государственный университет
Кандидат экономических наук, доцент, заведующая кафедрой экономики
Oksana Vladimirovna
Northeastern State University
PhD (Economics), Associate Professor, Chairholder of Economics
В статье рассмотрены основные направления инновационного развития аква- и марикультуры в условиях Магаданской области. Выделены факторы, влияющие на данный процесс. Обозначены пути решения выявленных проблем.
The integral part of the fishing industry as a system is an ecological subsystem that makes it necessary to take into account environmental factors in fisheries management. This means that in its activity the sector should be guided by the requirements of preservation and restoration of exploited biological resources. This problem is solved by means of aquaculture and mariculture. In the Far East Russian regions, including the Magadan region, the main focus of aquaculture is the artificial breeding of salmon. Since the Magadan region may be attributed to the zone of risky fisheries due to its natural and climatic conditions and geographical location, the development and introduction of new efficient methods for pasture salmon raising are required. The article describes an innovative method of salmon breeding developed by Magadan researchers, which avoids the appearance of low productivity of mixed populations, as well as allows to save the reservoir ecosystem in its initial form. Thus, it is possible to solve basic problems arising in artificial salmon breeding. A promising direction of development of aquaculture in the region may become a developed by Magadan scientists technology of the cultivation of mussels to increase productivity and reduce the payback period of this type of shellfish cultivation. Analysis of factors contributing and hindering the development of aquaculture and mariculture in the Magadan region allowed the author to conclude, that the implementation of appropriate conditions for this technologies may become promising directions of development of fisheries in the region. In order to improve their effectiveness it is proposed the use of program-target methods, stimulating the creation of private salmon factories, the establishment of universal center at the regional level, that resolves issues of coordination between the administrative establishments, aquaculture producers and scientific organizations, as well as provides information, consulting, marketing, legal support and provision of aquaculture projects.
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  1. Жарников В.С. Научное обоснование культивирования мидии тихоокеанской mutilus trossulus в Тауйской губе Охотского моря// Проблемы формирования инновационной экономики региона: материалы 1 науч.-практ. конф. – 2010. – С. 195-198.
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  3. Сафроненков Б.П. Современное состояние лососеводства и пути увеличения ресурсной базы лососевого рыболовства в Магаданской области/ Б.П. Сафроненков, Л.Л. Хованская, В.В. Волобуев// Проблемы формирования инновационной экономики региона: материалы 1 науч.-практ. конф. – 2010. – С. 199-202.
  4. Стратегия развития аквакультуры в Российской Федерации до 2020 г. [Электронный ресурс]. – Режим доступа: http://www.mcx.ru/documents/document/show_print/12208.77.htm
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