Страницы | 39-62 |
Тип | [RAR] – Научная статья |
Коды | [УДК] 332.142 |
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Анализ развития инновационного малого бизнеса в рамках национальных инновационных систем зарубежных стран[ENG]
The analysis of the development of innovative small business in the context of national innovation systems of foreign countries |
Авторы |
Аннотация |
В статье рассмотрены принципы формирования национальных инновационных систем зарубежных стран, основные виды сложившихся национальных инновационных систем, место малого инновационного бизнеса в национальных инновационных системах, основные виды и модели государственной поддержки малого инновационного бизнеса, применяемые в различных странах. Цель работы: показать необходимость использования в российской действительности накопленного зарубежными странами опыта в стимулировании инноваций и развитии национальной экономики.
Nowadays the scope of R&D and innovation is seen as an essential basis for sustainable economic growth and competitiveness of the economic system. The initial phase of innovative economic building is the creation of the national innovation system (NIS). The article considers the principles of national innovation systems of foreign countries and the main types of existing NIS. There is a brief description of each of the existing systems: the Atlantic, the East Asian and the alternative that reflects key differential peculiarities. The paper points out the importance of small innovative business in the national innovation system in developed and successfully progressing developing countries. The main types and models of the state support of small innovative business are concerned, that are used in countries – typical representatives of different national innovation systems. A distinctive feature of the American model of innovative small business support is in its depth and breadth of development. Significant resources to support innovative small business bring a significant positive effect- within the annual amount of support of $2 billion the share of small businesses among science-based companies is 89%. The primary concern in Japan is a formation of a stable system of institutions of development. Here the key role is played by science parks, that connect the industry and the latest technology. In IT-oriented India the clusters that combine the export-oriented enterprises are the most important elements of the national innovation system. Objective of the paper: To demonstrate the need of the use of foreign countries experience in Russian environment in promoting innovation and development of the national economy.
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Ключевые слова |
Национальная инновационная система
малый инновационный бизнес меры государственной поддержки [ENG]
National innovation system
small innovative business state support instruments |
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Файлы | 4-kokin.pdf |
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