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Статья «Воспроизводство человеческого капитала в сфере репродуктивно-ориентированных образовательных услуг»

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Архивные данные статьи Лаврентьевой И.В., Шаповаловой Ю.Н.

Выходные данные научной статьи

Страницы 63-74
Тип [RAR] – Научная статья
Коды [УДК] 331.101.26 : 331.102 : 37: 392.3
Воспроизводство человеческого капитала в сфере репродуктивно-ориентированных образовательных услуг
The reproduction of human capital in the field of reproductive-oriented educational services
Ирина Викторовна
Уральский социально-экономический институт (филиал), ОУП ВПО «Академия труда и социальных отношений»
Доктор экономических наук, доцент, кафедра экономики труда
Irina Viktorovna
Ural branch of Institute of Economics and Society, ETUE HPE "Academy of Labour and Social Relations"
Full Doctor of Economics, Associate Professor, Department of Labor Economics
Юлия Николаевна
Тюменская государственная сельскохозяйственная академия
Yuliya Nikolaevna
Tyumen State Agricultural Academy
В статье обосновывается необходимость реализации образовательных услуг репродуктивно-ориентированной направленности с целью удовлетворения образовательной потребности в эффективном репродуктивном (родительском) труде.
From the immemorial times till now there is almost invariable enormous sphere of ability to live of human being- the reproduction sphere, i.e. the reproduction of the future human capital connected with problematic of inclusion of reproductive work in the national economy. The family that made a decision to give birth to the child and to grow up it in a worthy citizen, as well as one thousand years ago faces in essence the same problems: financial, educational and adaptable. The importance of investment into the human capital through educational service is proved by variety of economists, since 60th of last century and till nowadays. Quality of the future labor resources to the greatest degree depends on investments into preparation of the human capital, beginning from perinatal, preschool and school stages. The expediency of allocation of reproductive-oriented component of the educational process is associated with the strategy of inclusion of reproductive labor in the national economy of Russia. Reproductive labor- in the broad sense- is an activities connected with the reproduction of human capital in social institutions and households which consists in a comprehensive care of the future available labor and mankind as a whole. In the narrow sense of the word- it is a reproduction of the future labor in a domestic reproductive sector which consists of processes of birth, care, education, out-of-school preparation of children in family, their early and teenage socialization.
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Ключевые слова
Человеческий капитал
образовательная услуга
репродуктивный (родительский) труд
Human capital
educational services
reproductive (parental) labor
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