Раздел |
Инновационные методы развития систем управления |
Страницы | 129-143 |
Тип | [RAR] – Научная статья |
Коды | [УДК] 336.648 |
Заглавие |
Методы оценки стоимости венчурного капитала[ENG]
Methods of estimating the cost of venture capital |
Авторы |
Аннотация |
В работе проведён анализ практического использования различных методов оценки стоимости компаний, образованных с участием венчурного капитала. Выделены особенности каждого из используемых методов, их достоинства и недостатки. Особое внимание уделено методу оценки стоимости компании на основе учёта эффекта венчурного рычага, который может быть использован в деятельности корпоративных венчурных фондов.
Contradiction between the Russian industry's high scientific and technological potential and extremely unsatisfactory tempos of renewal of technical and technological base defines statement and solution of extremely meaningful theoretical and practical problem: formation and development of mechanisms of venture investment equal to current institutional and economic conditions in manufacturing (industrial) sectors of Russian economic scheme. Whether a venture project will succeed or fail to a large extent depends on its realization conditions formed in a particular region, i.e. on the regional innovative infrastructure. While on the subject of formation of market innovative infrastructure on the regional level it is necessary to define its basic components and to analyze the mechanism of their interaction. The basic requirement is that it should match with the current business environment and it should have high level adaptability to the dynamics of the economic environment. The decision on practicability of investment to a large extent rests upon investees' activity financial indicators, i.e. on their estimation. There are certain treatments of estimation which can be used by venture investors, yet when in common use we should take into account that all of them (see Table 1) should be modified as compared to the common practice of their application.
Текст |
Введение Противоречие между высоки...
Ключевые слова |
Венчурное инвестирование
оценка методы финансирование доходность показатели [ENG]
Venture capital investment
valuation methods funding profitability performance |
Ссылки |
Файлы | 9-nesterenko.pdf |
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