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Статья «Основные проблемы управления оказанием медицинских услуг в Российской Федерации и способы их решения»

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4. Социально-экономические вопросы оценки и повышения уровня жизни населения
Страницы 94-102
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Коды [УДК] 338.46
Основные проблемы управления оказанием медицинских услуг в Российской Федерации и способы их решения
Key health management issues in the Russian Federation and their solutions
Наталья Михайловна
Министерство здравоохранения Российской Федерации
Главный специалист-эксперт финансово-экономического департамента
Natal'ya Mikhailovna
The Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation
Chief expert of the department of finance and economics
Статья посвящена вопросу формирования эффективной системы здравоохранения на уровне региона. Выделяются основные проблемы управления, существующие на региональном уровне, а также предложены пути их решения.
The development of the health system is an integral part of the level and quality of life and plays an important role in the economic development of regions and country as a whole.
Provision of affordable and quality health care is a critical issue for any country, regardless of the model of economic and financial system.
Efficient operation and development of health system procures the reproduction and quality of human capital of Russia, has a significant impact on quality of life, creates the foundation for socio-economic growth. Therefore, the issues of the health management improving by the government are now more relevant than ever, especially at regional and local level.
Various political and economic developments taking place in the Russian Federation in recent years put the health system in front of significant changes and the search of new principles of interaction with the public sector and the state.
The nature of the Russian health system as a whole assumes no regional or local state policy, but the single state policy considering regional characteristics. In this regard, there is a guarantee of maximum benefit from the use of health care resources, a guarantee of the constitutional rights of the people to health care and the improvement of the national health.
Введение Развитие системы здравоохранения является...
Ключевые слова
проблемы управления региональным здравоохранением
the management of the regional health system
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  3. Sinel'nikov, T.T. (2010), "Analytical portrait of the health system in the Russian Federation: the infrastructure and financial and economic problems" ["Analiticheskii portret sistemy zdravookhraneniya v Rossiiskoi Federatsii: infrastrukturnye i finansovo-ekonomicheskie problem"], Izvestiya Yuzhnogo federal'nogo universiteta. Tekhnicheskie nauki, Vol. 105, No. 4, p. 113.
  4. Volodin, V.D. (2011), "Chairman of the Moscow regional Duma "Health of the Nation", the President of "the National Centre for health education (Sanprosvet)" On the tasks of the state in dealing with health issues ["Predsedatel' pravleniya MOD "Zdorov'e natsii", Prezident "Natsional'nogo tsentra sanitarnogo prosveshcheniya naseleniya (Sanprosvet)" O zadachakh gosudarstva v reshenii problem zdravookhraneniya"], Analiticheskii vestnik. Seriya: Osnovnye problemy sotsial'nogo razvitiya Rossii – 125. Rossiiskaya meditsina: problemy dostupnosti i kachestva, No. 20 (432), 80 p.
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