Раздел |
Аксиология культуры |
Страницы | 77-86 |
Тип | [RAR] – Научная статья |
Коды | [УДК] 130.2 |
Заглавие |
Туризм в эпоху постмодерна[ENG]
Tourism in the postmodern era |
Авторы |
Аннотация |
В статье туризм рассматривается как качественное проявление неукоренённости и номадизма человека в эпоху постмодерна. В основе туризма лежит стремление потреблять впечатления, убежать от обыденности, жажда новизны. В действительности туризм нередко ограничивается потреблением симулякров, знаков, имитирующих историческую и культурную реальность.
The article is devoted to the philosophical and ideological analysis of tourism as one of the alternatives of the escapism in the present. The purpose of research is to identify the author's place in the modern era of tourism and the elucidation of its essential characteristics. Based his position on modern concepts of postmodernism, the author comes to the following conclusions. The spread of tourism is part of the globalization process begins when the local starts being associated with a peripheral, marginality, provinciality and social degradation. Tourism is a form of escapism for those who do not have to have faith in themselves, except when confronted with a new, unknown and unfamiliar. Perception of tourists seeking, as a rule, the sensuous consumption is limited by "sliding" surface absorption of seen sights. Where the tourist industry has touched a cultural tradition, a tradition started working for the tourist. Local people increasingly perceive their cultural backgrounds as a way of earning and preserves, absolutes and magnifies it. Modern tourism is dangerous because it destroys the ontological basis of travel and serves as its simulacrum, double, hypertrophic effect of presence. In general, in the postmodern era tourism leads to the destruction of the structures of local communities and the abolition of public spaces, whose existence was based on the settlement and rootedness. In the model of the tourist life homelessness is the neglecting of everyday reality. Rootedness, the centrality is fading in the past. Averageness, impersonality, nomadism become the fate of the world.
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Ключевые слова |
туризм номадизм эскапизм потребление товар [ENG]
tourism nomadism escapism consumption commodity |
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Файлы | 5-volkov.pdf |
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