Раздел |
4. Международные отношения: история и современность |
Страницы | 72-95 |
Тип | [RAR] – Научная статья |
Коды | [УДК] 325.254.6. |
Заглавие |
Институционализация экструзивной политики в отношении этнических общностей в 40-е годы ХХ века (на примере Союза ССР и стран Западной Европы)[ENG]
Institutionalization of extrusive politics as for ethnic communities in the 40's of the 20th century (as exemplified by the Soviet Union and the countries of Western Europe) |
Авторы |
Аннотация |
В целях укрепления и усиления своей власти, достижения стабильности в обществе правительства многих государств неоднократно прибегали к применению мер политики с использованием механизма экструзивного воздействия, т. е. «выдавливания», принудительного выселения этнических общностей, групп населения с исторических мест проживания. Не являлись исключением в этом плане в XX в. страны Восточной Европы и Союз ССР. Особенно активно применялся настоящий механизм в условиях военного времени и в чрезвычайной, экстремальной ситуации.
At all times wars establish extreme atmosphere in different states and it frequently causes bifurcational condition of society. Its levels may differ. As ever the consequences are similar regardless of the territory of the state where such events take place. The suggested article attempts to follow up such events as exemplified by the USSR and the countries of Eastern Europe (Hungary, Slovakia and others) where the consequences of bifurcational condition of society were similar, and where groups of citizens who suffered from deconstructive influence on the part of the state governments appeared. All it led to drastic consequences for ethnic communities and especially for ethnic minorities which were absolutely defenseless. Any social process has institutionalization. Jews and Gypsies were exposed to obstruction in Hungary. More than 47 ethnic minorities which did not have their own national state entities were exposed in the USSR. Primarily application of comparative analysis allows us to draw out peculiarities of such processes and their harmful consequences, to draw different conclusions the primary of which is not to allow similar situations occur from now forth, to let people rebuild their life amid stable peace and civil accord. History lessons are always of fundamental value.
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Ключевые слова |
Россия этнические меньшинства депортация принудительные переселения Венгрия венгры евреи Словакия Сталин спецпереселенцы мулла церковь «власовцы» казаки турки-месхетинцы органы власти [ENG]
Russia ethnic minorities deportation forced migration Hungary Hungarians Jews Slovakia Stalin special migrants mullah church "Vlasovites" Cossacks Meskhetian Turks government authorities |
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Файлы | 4-bugai.pdf |
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