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Статья «К истории борьбы за независимость Монголии (20-е годы ХХ века)»

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Архивные данные статьи Жабаевой Л.Б., Чойропова Ц.Ц.

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4. Международные отношения: история и современность
Страницы 96-107
Тип [RAR] – Научная статья
Коды [УДК] 94 (517) («1920-1925 гг.»)
К истории борьбы за независимость Монголии (20-е годы ХХ века)
On the history of struggle for independence of Mongolia (in the 20s of the XX century)
Лариса Будаевна
Восточно-Сибирский государственный университет технологий и управления
Доктор исторических наук, профессор, Зав. кафедрой «История и архивное дело»
Larisa Budaevna
East Siberia State University of Technology and Management
Full Doctor of History, professor, Head of the department "History and archive-keeping"
Цырен Цыдыпович
Восточно-Сибирский государственный университет технологий и управления
Доктор социологических наук, профессор, Зав. кафедрой «Социология и политология»
Tsyren Tsydypovich
East Siberia State University of Technology and Management
Full Doctor of History, professor, Head of the department "Sociology and political science"
В статье рассмотрены проблемы становления национальной независимости Монголии после свершения национально-демократической революции 1921 года, роль Соглашения 1921 г. в формировании российско-монгольского политического союза.
The article examines the problems of formation of national independence of Mongolia after the national democratic revolution in 1921, the role of 1921 Agreement in formation of Russian-Mongolian political alliance. The materials of the article testify that at that period the Soviet authorities did not reach the agreement of opinion in point of expediency of support of a new Mongolian revolutionary government and execution of an agreement with it. The authors testify an important role played by the chairmen of Comintern Far Eastern secretariat B. Z. Shumyatskii in signing of 1921 Agreement. He was impassioned with Mongolian problems and finally he managed to achieve the approval of the idea. It is demonstrated that the Agreement d/d November 5, 1921 between the Soviet Russia and Mongolia was the first international act in formation of the Soviet-Mongolian political alliance, and in pursuance of it the Russian-Mongolian relations were framed upon a legal basis. The political authorities of the RSFSR acknowledged the Popular government of Mongolia as the only legal authority, and this authority in turn acknowledged the government of the RSFSR as the only constituted authority in Russia. It is noted that the official recognition of Mongolia on the part of the Soviet Russia corresponded with the country's national interests and determined concrete political and military guarantees as for preservation of its national identity and gaining authentic independence from China. The foreign policy status of Mongolia improved considerably. The agreement was of advantage for the Soviet party in terms of interests of the state- creation of a "buffer" at the boundary of this friendly nation in case of possible conflicts with China and Japan. China's response to the Agreement undertaking is presented in the article as well. The authors show response of Mongolian authorities to the agreement between the Soviet Union and China d/d May 31, 1924 which defined Outer Mongolia as a constituent part of China. The authors also note difference of opinion in Mongolian administration concerning prospective form of government after the death of Bogdo-gegen in May 1924. The main outcome of the discussion is the establishment of the Republic of Mongolia.
Введение После национально-демокра...
Ключевые слова
Российско-монгольское сотрудничество
монгольская революция 1921 г.
статус Внешней Монголии
Russian-Mongolian partnership
Mongolian revolution of 1921
status of Outer Mongolia
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Файлы 5-zhabaeva-choiropov.pdf

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