Раздел |
1. Историческая повседневность |
Страницы | 29-51 |
Тип | [RAR] – Научная статья |
Коды | [УДК] 930 |
Заглавие |
Государственная политика России в области университетского химического образования в 1920-е – 2000-е годы (к постановке проблемы)[ENG]
Russian state policy in the field of university chemical education in 1920s – 2000s (to problem definition) |
Авторы |
Аннотация |
В статье представлено обоснование научной актуальности изучения истории университетского химического образования в России ХХ – начала XXI веков, сформулированы основные задачи изучения исторического опыта государственной политики в области развития университетской химической школы, охарактеризованы особенности существующей историографии проблемы и источниковой базы исследования. Автор подчёркивает, что результаты изучения процесса становления и эволюции университетского химического образования в 1920-2000-х гг. имеют существенное значение для создания моделей перспективного развития университетской химической школы России на основе соединения отечественных образовательных традиций с инновационными образовательными технологиями.
The article presents substantiation of scientific actuality of historical studies of the Russian university chemical education in the 20th – the end of the 21st centuries. Training of highly knowledgeable specialists in the field of chemistry and other natural sciences is one of the priorities in educational policy of renewing Russia. At that use of experience of university chemical school is of important value in the course of organization of innovative scientific and production centers and development of advanced plant engineering. Thus far the annalistic tradition of the study of Russian chemistry as a science is formed and it includes the works on the history of departments of chemistry and biographies of scholar-chemists. There are no researches which reconstruct the picture of establishment and development of the native system of university chemical education as a whole. The author determines the research guideline which can result in revelation of the internal logic and specificity of the development of university chemical education in the USSR and Russian Federation. In particular you may wish to show the process of institutionalization of the university chemical school in 1920s – 2000s, to analyze the development of the content of educational courses and university programs concerning branches of chemical study, to characterize peculiarities of the inner world of university chemistry and its role in native scientific and educational milieu, to consider the most important results of implementation the state policy of the Russian Federation in the field of higher education at the turn of the century as exemplified by university chemical education. The author's concept of evolution of the Russian university chemical education in 1920s – 2000s rests on the thesis concerning the vital importance of historical succession in this branch of the higher education. The author underlines that the results of historical studies of establishment and development of evolution of university chemical education in 1920s – 2000s are of vital importance for creation of models of perspective development of Russian chemical school in terms of connection of native educational traditions with innovative education technologies.
Текст |
Введение Создание в России…
Introduction The creation…
Ключевые слова |
Высшая школа
университеты история химии химическое образование историография архивы [ENG]
Higher school
university history of chemistry chemical education historiography archives |
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Файлы | 2-oskolok.pdf |
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