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Статья «Поединок в Киевской Руси: героика и повседневность» / Article "Fight in Kievan Rus: heroism and mundanity"

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Архивные данные статьи Корнева А.Ю. / Archival data of the article written by Kornev A.Yu.

Выходные данные научной статьи / Article output data

Раздел / Sectional title
История культуры
Cultural History
Страницы / Pages 38-47
Тип / Type [RAR] – Научная статья
Коды / Numbers [УДК] 94
Заглавие / Title
Поединок в Киевской Руси: героика и повседневность
Fight in Kievan Rus: heroism and mundanity
Авторы / Authors
Андрей Юрьевич
Старший преподаватель кафедры теории и истории искусства,
Харьковская государственная академия дизайна и искусств
Andrei Yur'evich
Senior lecturer of the department of theory and history of arts,
Kharkiv State Academy of Design and Arts
Аннотация / Abstract
В статье рассматривается развитие поединка как части воинской культуры Киевской Руси. Приведены различные формы поединка, его юридическая и религиозная составляющая.
The present almost out of use word "fighters", which stands synonymous to the word "debaters", reveals the original archaic sense of competition and competitiveness, present even in mortal combat. Since the days of antiquity to classical Middle Ages, even within the collision of large martial formations, the fight continued to play an important role, especially at the height of the battle, which in fact turned into dozens or hundreds of individual fights. Only firearms and professionally trained army replaced the archaic tactics of fight conduct. Although in this case the fight was a sign of a "noble combat" up until the early twentieth century, mainly in the officers' quarters.
Based on the main sources on the history and culture of Kievan Rus (chronicle, epic cycle), we should note an important role of the fight in all spheres of life: private, public and religious.
Real fight practice presents a wide range of options of events, however, there was a number of permanent characteristics and rules. The fight began with a challenge directed peer-to-peer, negotiated its conditions and consequences. Stipulated conditions were pronounced in the presence of witnesses and had the character of an oath. At the same time, the extreme conditions often dictated the acting principle "victors are not judged", especially when it came to combat, affecting the interests of entire principality. Knyaz also had the right not to accept the challenge to fight, if he thought that it would not serve the public interest.
An interesting element of the challenge in fighting conditions is a manifestation of the culture of folk humor as a shame and humiliation of an enemy.
Present in the chronicle descriptions of the fight, Christian providential moment traditionally was a kind of "formula", confirming the rightness of the winner. The moral side of the fight is strengthened in Russian epics with the references to archaic pagan culture.
Текст / Text
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Ключевые слова / Keywords
Воинская культура Киевской Руси
народная смеховая культура
Martial culture of Kievan Rus
Russian epic
culture of folk humor
Ссылки / References
  1. Історія української культури. Т. 1 / За ред. І. Крип’якевича. – К.: Либідь, 1994. – 650 с.
  2. Карамзин Н.М. История государства Российского. Т. 1-4. – Калуга: Золотая аллея, 1993. – 560 с.
  3. Ключевский В.О. Сочинения. Т. 1. Курс русской истории. Ч. 1. – М.: Мысль, 1987. – 430 с.
  4. Літопис Руський / Пер. з давньорус. Махновця Л.Є. – К.: Дніпро, 1989. – 591 с.
  5. Пропп В.Я. Русский героический эпос. – М.: Гослитиздат, 1958. – 603 с.
  6. Хрестоматия по истории государства и права СССР. Дооктябрьский период / Под ред. Титова Ю.П., Чистякова О.И. – М.: Юридическая литература, 1990. – 480 с.
  1. Karamzin, N.M. (1993), The history of the Russian state. Vols. 1-4 [Istoriya gosudarstva Rossiiskogo. T. 1-4], Zolotaya alleya, Kaluga, 560 p.
  2. Klyuchevskii, V.O. (1987), Writings. Vol.1. The course of Russian history. Part 1 [Sochineniya. T.1. Kurs russkoi istorii. Ch.1], Mysl', Moscow, 430 p.
  3. Krip'yakevich, І. (1994), History of Ukrainian Culture. Vol. 1 [Іstorіya ukraїns'koї kul'turi. T. 1], Libіd', Kiev, 650 p.
  4. Makhnovets', L.E. (1989), Russian Chronicle. Trans. from Old Russian [Lіtopis Rus'kii. Per. z davn'orus], Dnіpro, Kiev, 591 p.
  5. Propp, V.Ya. (1958), Russian heroic epics [Russkii geroicheskii epos], Goslitizdat, Moscow, 603 p.
  6. Titov, Yu.P., Chistyakov, O.I. (1990), Reading book on the history of state and law of the USSR. Pre-October period [Khrestomatiya po istorii gosudarstva i prava SSSR. Dooktyabr'skii period], Yuridicheskaya literatura, Moscow, 480 p.
Файлы / Files 3-kornev.pdf

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