Раздел |
3. История культуры |
Страницы | 75-93 |
Тип | [RAR] – Научная статья |
Коды | [УДК] 433 |
Заглавие |
Философия «держи вора» в болгарской самоидентификации[ENG]
The philosophy of "Stop thief" in Bulgarian self-identification |
Авторы |
Аннотация |
В статье освящаются проблемы, связанные с процессом фальсификации истории древнеболгарской цивилизации в республиках Среднего Поволжья. С 40-50 годов XX века научный мир столкнулся с элементами фальсификации истории. Под влиянием определённых политических сил история искажается и процесс фальсификации, к сожалению, набирает темпы. Подобная фальсификация истории в конечном счёте направлена на подрыв российского единства и развал Российской Федерации.
It is believed that in historical fantasies are evolved only by laymen and distant from education people who are supposedly doing it because of their poor education and thus "distorting" and "sophisticating" history. The surrounding reality is unfortunately more difficult, because the longing for the national idea is not alien and specialists, who sometimes evince a willingness to violate professional ethics and even in some cases to make a forgery. The article enlights the problems associated with the process of falsification of history of the Old Bulgarian civilization in the Republics of the Middle Volga region. From the 40-50 years of the XX century the scientific world has faced with the elements of falsification of history. The philosophy formed can be called "stop thief". A thief, stealing someone else's history, shouts "Stop thief". The Russian public regards to steal Old Bulgarian (Old Chuvash) history and nods head approvingly. Under the influence of certain political forces history is becoming distorted and unfortunately the process of falsification is gathering momentum. Such falsification of history is ultimately aimed at undermining Russia's unity and the collapse of the Russian Federation.
Текст |
О земляки мои! Наверно, все на свет...
Ключевые слова |
философия цивилизация древнеболгарская болгары (булгары) чуваши татары Среднее Поволжье [ENG]
philosophy civilization Old Bulgarian (Old Bulgarian) Bulgarians (Bulgars) Chuvash Tatars the Middle Volga |
Ссылки |
Файлы | 5-tafaev.pdf |
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