Раздел |
1. Актуальные проблемы теории государства и права и конституционного права |
Страницы | 8-28 |
Тип | [RAR] – Научная статья |
Коды | [УДК] 342.25 |
Заглавие |
История и современные тенденции решения проблем разграничения полномочий между субъектами Федерации и Российской Федерацией (на примере нефтяных и газовых ресурсов)[ENG]
The history and modern trends in solving problems connected with distribution of authorities among the constituent territories of Russian Federation (natural oil and gas resources distribution) |
Авторы |
ДовбняВладислав БорисовичГосударственный университет Министерства финансов Российской Федерации
DovbnyaVladislav BorisovichThe State University of the Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation
Рostgraduate student
Аннотация |
В работе делается обоснованный вывод, что проблема разграничения полномочий в сфере владения, пользования и распоряжения природными нефтяными и газовыми ресурсами между центром и регионами является комплексной, она встроена в систему иных серьёзных проблем, лежащих на пересечении разных социально-экономических и политических наук.
The article researches the constitutional construction in the delineation of powers in the sphere of ownership, use and disposal of natural oil and gas resources is a problem, which dates back several centuries, but has still not been solved. This problem emerged in the 16 century under Dmitry Donskoy, who has signed an agreement with his cousin Vladimir, separating from his authority. In front of them, too, was a problem of combination of the unity of "the whole Rus" with independent principalities. In the soviet period the Constitution of the RSFSR, dated 1918, marked the beginning of the current federal structure of Russia. In fact some of this division of subjects of jurisdiction of the Constitution of RSFSR of 1918 are still not contained. Russian USSR Constitution of 1924 and the Constitution of RSFSR of 1925 have regulations upon the subject of our research, but they are fragmented and haphazard. The Constitution of the USSR of 1936 has already seen a shift from the values of the abstract (the dictatorship of the proletariat) to appear in the Constitution of subsurface area as the source of the values of the material order, capable of feeding and heat. USSR constitution of 1977 determined that a union republic shall ensure comprehensive economic and social development on its territory. This means that in the constitutions of the USSR of 1977, and of the Georgian SSR of 1978, as a matter of fact made a step back in the regulation of the issues of separation of powers and competence, since in fact the state, despite the federative character, actually has a lot of features of a unitary state, which also affected the formal reflection of this reality in the constitutions. After the August putsch of 1991, Russia had such a phenomenon as the "parade of sovereignties", and to stop it, on 31 march 1992 there was signed the Federation treaty, which has become subsequently the basis of the Constitution, adopted on December, 12, 1993, as part of its federal structure. The study allows to make a conclusion that the construction of federative relations and federalism was held with more or less success without amendment of the Constitution of Russia, which means the possibility of further improvement of legal regulation in the field of delimitation of powers in the sphere of possession, use and disposal of natural oil and gas resources on the basis of the Constitution, but without requiring changes to the constitutional norms, which greatly facilitates the process.
Текст |
Введение Конституционное строите...
Ключевые слова |
Конституционное устройство
федеративная система
субъект Федерации
разграничение полномочий
нефтегазовые ресурсы
The constitutional structure
federal system
subject of the federation
separation of powers
oil and gas resources
Ссылки |
Файлы | 1-dovbnya.pdf |
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