Раздел |
2. Методика обучения и воспитания |
Страницы | 55-67 |
Тип | [RAR] – Научная статья |
Коды | [УДК] 37.017.4 |
Заглавие |
Генезис становления системы военно-патриотического воспитания в Республике Марий Эл в середине XX в. – начале XXI в.[ENG]
The genesis of the formation of the military-patriotic education in the Republic of Mari El in the middle of the XX century – at the beginning of the XXI century |
Авторы |
ЕгошинаНадежда ГермогеновнаМарийский государственный университет
Кандидат педагогических наук
EgoshinaNadezhda GermogenovnaMari State University
PhD (Pedagogics)
Аннотация |
Актуальность статьи обусловлена пристальным вниманием общества к вопросам патриотического воспитания граждан. Статья обобщает опыт по военно-патриотическому воспитанию молодежи в Марийской АССР и Республике Марий Эл с середины прошлого века до настоящего времени. Несомненно, ретроспективный анализ опыта прошлого позволит совершенствовать работу по формированию патриотизма на современном этапе. В статье содержится материал о новой форме военно-патриотического воспитания молодежи- о работе военно-патриотических клубов республики.
The article sounds up to date as modern society pays much attention to the problem of civil and patriotic education of its citizens. The article summons the experience in the sphere of military-patriotic upbringing of youth in the Mari Republic for a period of more than half a century: since the 1940-s till present time. The object of our research is the content and the forms of patriotic education in the republic at different stages of its historic development. The aim of the research is to learn and to summon the experience of the work in the mentioned sphere since the second half of the last century up to present moment. While working we used the method of comparative analysis of the scientific sources which allows to determine the peculiarities of the process and to estimate the meaning of the activities conducted for the society and the state. The author has come to the conclusion that the questions of patriotic education should always be in the area of serious attention of the government bodies as the lack of such work unavoidably leads to the political indifference and civil passivity of the people. It happened so at the end of the 1990-s. The revision of the social values has come to the revival of the process of patriotic upbringing. Its new forms have appeared: the military patriotic clubs. The author does hope that the results of the research will be interesting for specialists engaged in the sphere of patriotic education and to those who is interested in the problems of modern pedagogic.
Текст |
Введение. Предпосылки становления п...
Ключевые слова |
Военно-патриотическое воспитание
оборонная работа
спортивно-техническое направление работы
военно-патриотический клуб
новая форма патриотического воспитания
Military and patriotic education
defensive work
sports and technical direction of work
voluntary organizations
new form of patriotic upbringing
Ссылки |
Файлы | 4-egoshina.pdf |
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