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Статья «Интеллектуально-этическое развитие личности осужденного»

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4. Специальная педагогика
Страницы 129-153
Тип [RAR] – Научная статья
Коды [УДК] 343.8:37.037.5
Интеллектуально-этическое развитие личности осужденного
Intellectual and ethical development of convicted individuals
Галина Владимировна
Центр социальной реабилитации правонарушителей и профилактики преступности «Криминон СНГ»
Кандидат педагогических наук
Galina Vladimirovna
Center for social rehabilitation of offenders and crime prevention "Criminon CIS"
PhD (Pedagogics)
В статье раскрывается суть базового процесса самоисправления осужденных – интеллектуально-этического развития. Приводятся этапы, авторские шкалы и описание курса «Личная этика». Излагается экспериментальное подтверждение выдвинутых положений.
The subject of this paper is changing of the orientation of the convicted person. Subject is defined as an intellectual and ethical development. The purpose is to justify the working hypothesis: in a special contingent complexity and reduced correctional capacity in prison refocusing of the individual shall be accomplished by means of intellectual and ethical development. A humanistic pedagogy, axiological theory and a subject-to-subject educational paradigm have identified the methodological basis of current research. In its instrumental part the study is based on the activity approach (S.L. Rubinstein); also on dependence of the development of conceptual thinking on learning the basics of sciences (A.R. Luria) and dependence of the subject activity upon the level of understanding of words (L.R. Hubbard). The author uses in the paper the following methods of research: a literature review on the issue, teacher modeling, questioning and testing, stating and shaping pedagogical experiments. Basing on the findings of criminology and prison psychology, the author identifies the most characteristic features of modern personality of the convicted person: anti-social orientation, warped value system, the change of cognitive processes. In the view of these characteristics, and taking into account revealed lower levels of functional literacy of condemned, it is proved that the development of ethical and operational components of intelligence in their relationship is a central component of the change in the direction of the individual. The core process determines the unity: the assimilation of ethical concepts (moral codes and value systems), development of operational mechanisms of intelligence and increase of prosocial skills of the convicted person. Paper gives a detailed a description of the author's toolkit: improving literacy scale, the scale of intellectual and ethical standards, a special course for convicted "Personal ethics". It gives the results of testing of the author's course, which show a decrease in violations of the conditions as a function of improving the intellectual and ethical development. The study may be in use as a scientific and theoretical basis for the development of effective methods of correction of the convicted, as well as research on the prevention of criminal behavior. The author makes a conclusion that the intellectual and ethical development is the basis of correction of convicted because it is the result of the unfolding of the vector orientation of the person and the formation of prosocial orientation.
Введение Одним из негативных пос...
Ключевые слова
направленность личности осужденного
операционные механизмы интеллекта
интеллектуально-этическое развитие личности осужденного
функциональная грамотность
orientation of the personality
the operating mechanisms of intelligence
intellectual and ethical development
functional literacy
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