Раздел |
3. Профессиональное образование |
Страницы | 79-91 |
Тип | [RAR] – Научная статья |
Коды | [УДК] 371 |
Заглавие |
Личностно-деятельностный аспект формирования организационно-педагогической культуры будущего учителя (на примере старших курсов)[ENG]
Identity-formation activity aspect of organizational culture and teaching of future teachers (senior rates) |
Авторы |
ЯноваМарина ГеннадьевнаКрасноярский государственный педагогический университет
Кандидат педагогических наук
YanovaMarina Gennad'evnaKrasnoyarsk State Pedagogical University
PhD (Pedagogics)
Аннотация |
В статье изучается проблема формирования педагогической культуры будущего учителя в личностно-деятельностном аспекте и рассматриваются стадии формирования данного качества. Определяются позиционно-субъектные действия педагога и студента в процессе формирования организационно-педагогической культуры будущего учителя.
Pedagogical education is closely connected with cultural process of society development. A future teacher in this educational process is forming as a professional, his cultural characteristics are acquiring, his organizational and pedagogical culture is forming. Pedagogical process has creative peculiarity and a student's activity is characterized as cultural-creative and can be described through meanings: "culture", "cultural activity", "cultural-creative activity". Future teacher as a professional forms stage by stage: from thinking up the necessity "to create" himself and to form his own culture to active actions to realize this process. Future teacher's organizational and pedagogical culture forms permanently, step by step and stages of this becoming are defined as: cognizable-competent stage that is connected with forming students' imagination and comprehension what organizational and pedagogical culture is; essential-searching which is directed to feel and form necessity of practical possession organizationally-pedagogical culture, possibilities to culture-building and culture-creativity; stage of active-action participation that reflects active student' actions in order to form and practically possess organizationally-pedagogical culture and culture-building and culture-creativity and then to form these qualities inside himself. Coming into conclusion, the author remarks that senior courses students' actions are classified as self-regulative with elements of reflection with fragmentary pedagogical holding that is consulting-recommendation character. Giving summary we have some conclusive points: – positional-subjective actions of students and teachers are characterized as self-influent and self-dependant; – students' actions are done in cultural-creative activity and are led permanent pedagogical holding; – process of future teacher's organizational and pedagogical culture forming (senior courses) is accompanied by successful changing in its development: from cognizing competent stage to essential-searching stage, and then to the stage of active-action participation – students' activity is connected with self-regulation and reflection, helping in their self-education, self-development, self-organization and cultural development.
Текст |
Введение Педагогическое образова...
Ключевые слова |
Педагогическая деятельность
культуротворческая деятельность
организационно-педагогическая культура будущего учителя
позиционно-субъектные действия студентов и педагогов
Pedagogical activity
cultural-creative activity
organizational and pedagogical culture of future teacher
positional and subjective actions of students and teachers
Ссылки |
Файлы | 6-yanova.pdf |
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