Раздел |
Сравнительное языкознание |
Страницы | 67-77 |
Тип | [RAR] – Научная статья |
Коды | [УДК] 801.52 |
Заглавие |
Сопоставительный анализ звукоподражательных орнитонимов в разносистемных языках[ENG]
Comparative analysis of different systems languages in the bird's onomatopoetic language |
Авторы |
Аннотация |
Статья посвящена сопоставительному анализу звукоподражательных орнитонимов. Автор использует языки различных типологий (русский и кумыкский), чтобы выявить идиоэтнические особенности восприятия орнитонимов представителями разных культур.
The subject of the study in the article is onomatopoeic bird's names. Purpose of the research is to conduct a comparative analysis of different systems in the onomatopoetic bird's languages, precisely in Russian and Kumyk. In the work author primarily uses descriptive and comparative methods. In the languages of many nations there are names of animals, based on the imitation of their voices. Sounds that are heard in the cries of animals and people formed the basis for the names of the gecko, keklik, rook, cuckoos, chiffchaff, etc. For the analysis we have selected 112 bird's names in Russian language, of which 38 have onomatopoeic origins, Kumyk ornitonims are much more less. Only 13 of the 62 bird's names in Kumyk are onomatopoeic. Among the onomatopoetic bird's names in Russian and Kumyk there are cross-language bilingual parallelisms, Russian "kukushka" (cuckoo) – is "gyukyuk" in Kumyk, Russian "karga" (crone, derived from the onomatopoeic verb "karkat'" ("croak") – is "k"arg"a" in Kumyk ("crow"). Onomatopoeic bird's names are not only identical, but can be different. In Kumyk names of birds there is a certain amount of borrowings from Russian language. The basic amount of names of birds in Russian language is formed by a synthetic method. In the Kumyk language, by contrast, it is stem-dominated. The analysis of Russian ornithological vocabulary and Kumyk language allowed the author to come to the conclusion that Russian language, compared to the Kumyk, contains dominative number of names of birds of onomatopoeic origin. The principle of the nomination of birds by the same voice matches in Russian and Kumyk names for 11 species. The results of this study are of great importance for the typology of languages of different systems and can be used in the preparation of bilingual dictionar-ies.
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Ключевые слова |
биолингвистика орнитоним вокатив происхождение [ENG]
biolingvistika ornitonim vocative the origin |
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