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Социолингвистика. Психолингвистика. Коммуникация
Страницы 114-122
Тип [RAR] – Научная статья
Коды [УДК] 81'246.2
Синергия национального самосознания русскоязычного билингва
Synergy of national identity of Russian-speaking bilingual
Жаннат Тишкуловна
Евразийский национальный университет им. Л.Н. Гумилева
Кандидат педагогических наук
Zhannat Tishkulovna
L. N. Gumilyov Eurasian National University
PhD (Pedagogics)
В статье предложена гипотеза о синергетической природе языкового сознания билингва, синергетическом процессе формирования художественно-поэтических образов в творчестве билингвальной личности. Образ формируется восприятием, памятью, воображением, накопленными впечатлениями, интуицией. Сделана попытка определить общность больших парадигм и идентичность малых парадигм словесных образов в различных культурах.
Art bilingualism in Kazakhstan became widespread during the Soviet period. Cultural community, united on the basis of the Russian language, promoted the formation of galaxy of Russian intelligentsia, educated at home Kazakh culture, which owns the Russian language perfectly and going on the acquired second language. Such works do not consider any criticism of Russian literature, nor to the Kazakh- they are too different in the the composition of lexical and syntactic structures, and in emerging verbal images. There is a synergistic principle, self-organization, self-development of a new consciousness, a new vision and new means of expression. The subject of the study is the paradigm of images of consciousness, which manifest themselves in various associations of bilingual creative personality. The main objective of this research is to test the viability of the hypothesis of N.V. Pavlovich as to what the human mind in a profound sense of similar images, regardless of nationality, there is some common cultural space, a common language of images. The author used the method of solid sample to collect the factual data – verbal images created by Kazakh writer A. Zhaksylykov in the novel "Singing Stones". The study did find common in large paradigms of images and revealed the identity of small paradigms. Moreover, small paradigm, as it turned out, reflect the uniqueness of a particular culture, i.e. national image of the primary culture expressed in the language of acquired culture. Thus, the "time" is identified with the "space" both in Russian culture and Kazakh culture medium, but the lexical range of these identifications may be very different. With Russian authors the word "time" is an invariant of lexical series: time of the summer, days, hours, minutes, seconds, instant, forever, night, evening. In the poetic language of Kazakh, particularly in A. Zhaksylykov poetry, "time" is associated with nouns "evening", "moment", "yesterday", "today", "tandoor", "dung", etc. Associative relations organization represents the storage model of knowledge in human memory. Thus, the author concludes that the characteristic images can be characterized by spontaneous generation and spontaneous development. At the level of larger paradigms they find much in common with members of various ethnic groups and at the low-level paradigms they are identified. Here can be seen the phenomenon of synergy bilingual creative personality. It would be interesting to conduct scientific observation and analysis of poetic images on the basis of foreign language, the other cultural material.
Введение Своеобразная общность п...
Ключевые слова
Образы сознания
парадигма образов
Images of consciousness
paradigm of images
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