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Статья «Предтермины и варваризмы лексико-семантического поля “дипломатия и внешняя политика”»

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Социолингвистика. Психолингвистика. Коммуникация
Страницы 133-140
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Коды [УДК] 81'373.45
Предтермины и варваризмы лексико-семантического поля «дипломатия и внешняя политика»
Preterms and barbarisms of the lexico-semantic field "diplomacy and foreign policy"
Ирина Михайловна
Московский государственный университет
Irina Mikhailovna
Lomonosov Moscow State University
В статье рассмотрены предтермины как специальные лексемы, используемые в качестве терминов для названия новых сформировавшихся понятий, но не отвечающие основным требованиям, предъявляемым к термину. В ряде случаев предтермин закрепляется в специальной лексике. Говоря о лексико-семантическом поле «дипломатия и внешняя политика», необходимо отметить, что дипломатическая коммуникация непосредственно связана с работой с иностранной лексикой, потому новое явление часто называется либо предтермином, либо варваризмом, взятым из иностранного языка, но нарушающим нормы родного языка.
Preterms as the specific kind of lexemes are used for nomination of new concepts, but they don't meet the basic term requirements. In some cases preterm replacement by a lexical unit is procrastinated, and as a result the preterm is fixed in special lexicon. The subject of the article is the analysis of preterms and barbarisms in the lexico-semantic field "diplomacy and foreign policy". The purpose of the article is to reveal, to describe, to compare and to explain the factors of preterm and barbarism occurrence in the mentioned lexico-semantic field. The research methodology was based on the contextual analysis, the lexico-semantic analysis of the text, the componential analysis and the analysis of co-occurrence range. The study can be used in practical work of political strategists, linguists, translators, workers of public relations sphere, journalists and diplomatic corps experts. The author concludes that in diplomatic communication a new phenomenon is often called either by means of preterm, or by usage of barbarism taken of a foreign language. Preterms in diplomatic communication have instability of form and fail to meet requirement of brevity and acceptance. However, as the diplomatic lexicon is the special lexicon preterms can be fixed in it and become a structural version of the term- quasiterm. As for adoption, the penetration of words into a national language is one of inevitable results of language development. With the development of the Internet and growth of international contacts the quantity of barbarisms has strongly grown.
Введение Исследование развития с…
Ключевые слова
внешняя политика
правопреемство государств
foreign policy
state succession
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  2. Daniel Nassif, "Dossier: Nabih Berri", Middle East Intelligence Bulletin, available at: http://meib.org/
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