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Семиотика литературы |
Страницы | 105-120 |
Тип | [RAR] – Научная статья |
Коды | [УДК] 821.161.1 |
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Сон как социальный и инфернальный фон картины бытия в цикле А. Блока «Страшный мир» (1909-1916)[ENG]
Dream as a social and infernal background of the picture being in the loop in Blok's "The Fearful World" (1909-1916) |
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Аннотация |
Статья посвящена выявлению художественной функции сна в общей для всего третьего тома лирики А. Блока картине бытия «страшного мира». Синкретизм сна и тумана создает, с одной стороны, образ инфернального хаоса, с другой стороны, атмосферу призрачности, иллюзорности социальной обстановки. Инфернальная направленность «Страшного мира» определяет традиционные представления о сне как важнейшей реальности подземного мира. Зеркальная природа сна обнаруживает в реальном мире черты мира потустороннего. В картине бытия цикла «Страшный мир» сон выполняет одновременно функцию испытания, разоблачения и функцию возмездия. Испытание сном оказывается возможным постольку, поскольку в поэтике сна воплощались прежде высокие духовные ценности.
The article concerns the peculiarities of poetics of Blok's dream cycle "The Fearful world". The orientation of the cycle on the first part of Dante's "Divine Comedy" is expressed in the semantics of names and manifests itself in a figurative (the heroes of the series: The Demon, Vampire, twins, dead) and the situational level (lyrical situation of the descent/ stay in Hell). Infernal cycle determines the orientation of the traditional perception of a dream as an essential reality of the underworld. The mirror nature of the dream reveals in the real world the features of the world hereafter. In the 3rd volume syncretism of dream and fog creates, on the one hand, the image of the infernal chaos, and, on the other hand, an atmosphere of unreality, illusion of social conditions. Relations between the dream and waking in the "Fearful world" are most clearly reflected in the form of poetic dreams ("The Double", "Demon"). Both poems are set in the dreaming story. However, the principal of the unallocated setting out the basic form of the narrative defines the inclusion of dream scene in "reality." Both poems bring the story of the twins. In the poem "The Double" image of "aging boy" is built on the principle of dream pasting multiple images in one. Revelatory function of a dream develops the traditional notion of it as a way of objectification, the opportunity to see myself from outside. In the poem "The Demon" the introduction of dream setting specifies the orientation of the author's poetic. It can be assumed that the conversion to a form of poetic dream discovers Blok twin Demon of Lermontov's hero. In this case, the poetic dream is considered as a form of reminiscence of Lermontov's poem. However, the poem has another interpretation. It can be assumed that the famous story of Lermontov's poem is a dream of Blok's demon, caused by the dream of lost paradise. The demon is endowed with the dreamer ability, thus its image is getting humanized. In the "Fearful World," a poetic dream carries a function of discovery. It serves as a means of detecting and identifying the double and his new faces.
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сон цикл «Страшный мир» демон Лермонтов ночь двойник [ENG]
dream cycle "Fearful world" demon Lermontov night the double |
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