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Статья «Проблема специфики жанра «мещанская трагедия» в английской литературе начала XVIII века»

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Проблема специфики жанра «мещанская трагедия» в английской литературе начала XVIII века
The problem of specificity of "domestic tragedy" in the English literature of the early XVIII century
Мария Сергеевна
Магнитогорский государственный университет
Кандидат филологических наук, доцент кафедры английской филологии и перевода
Maria Sergeevna
Magnitogorsk State University
PhD (Philology), associate professor of the English philology and translation department
Статья посвящена определению особенностей жанра «мещанская трагедия», его места и роли в истории западноевропейской литературы. С целью выявления модели жанра автор предпринял попытку представить его наиболее точную типологическую классификацию и дать свою научную трактовку. Основой для исследования этого вопроса стало одно из произведений Джорджа Лилло «Лондонский купец или история Джорджа Барнвела». В литературоведческий оборот вводятся большей частью малоизвестные отечественной науке материалы, освещающие творчество драматурга, рецепцию его эстетических взглядов.
The article is devoted to the detailed examination of the "domestic tragedy". Nowadays we can observe interest to the problem of the genre definition in Russian and foreign literary criticism. The purpose of the article is to identify its nature in two different schools of sciences. The selection of the comments given here can be informative and useful. For the most part, all the critics speak about the value and the literary term for this genre. Certainly, George Lillo's "The London Merchant" deserves detailed discussion. We analytically examine the play and its characters. The analysis demonstrates Lillo's significance as the most important and innovative writer of the "domestic tragedy". The play is intended to be didactic and to teach that sins lead to further sin and result in ultimate punishment. Those were the middle class's principles. They captured the audience's attention and emotions at that time, because the ideas of that genre were progressive and revolutionary. They sought for new expression of tragic facts and they found it. The main stage characters became people who belonged to the middle class. And that was not by accident. Merchants and handicraftsmen were the basic, stabilizing sector of the English society of the XVIIIth century. The study can be used in courses on the history of English literature.
Введение XVIII век в истории евр...
Ключевые слова
Эпоха Просвещения
мещанская трагедия
Джордж Лилло
The age of Enlightenment
petty bourgeois
domestic tragedy
George Lillo
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  6. Di Yanni, R. (1990), Literature: Reading Fiction, Poetry, Drama and the Essay, Mcgraw-Hill College, 2036 p.
  7. Fields, P.S. (1999), "George Lillo and the Victims of Economic Theory", Studies in the Literary Imagination (Special Issue: English Drama, 1650-1760: A Critical Miscellany), pp. 77 – 88, available at: http://www.lssu.edu/faculty/pfields/lillo.php
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  10. Longman Advanced American Dictionary, Pearson Education Limited, 2000, 1746 р.
  11. Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English, Pearson Education Limited, 2001, 2102 р.
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