Раздел |
История литературного процесса |
Страницы | 37-56 |
Тип | [RAR] – Научная статья |
Коды | [УДК] 821.161.1 |
Заглавие |
“Раздвинув границы познания человека”: Василий Шукшин в англоязычных культурах[ENG]
"He has expanded human frontiers of knowledge": V. Shukshin in English-language cultures |
Авторы |
Аннотация |
В статье анализируется восприятие творчества великого русского писателя и кинематографиста В. Шукшина в США и Великобритании. Оно передаёт сложность контактов, определённых межгосударственных отношений с Россией в ХХ-ХХI веках, позволяет выяснить основные закономерности культурного диалога двух цивилизаций. В наследии Шукшина проявляется активный гуманизм отечественной художественной культуры, её всемирная отзывчивость и искусство правды жизни. Для англоязычной аудитории Шукшин-художник занял своё заслуженное место в галерее славы русской культуры.
The article examines the perception of works of the great Russian writer and filmmaker V. Shukshin in the U.S. and the UK. It conveys the complexity of the contacts identified by bilateral relations with Russia in the XX-XXI centuries, and can reveal the basic laws of the cultural dialogue between the two civilizations. In the heritage of Shukshin the author reveals the manifested active humanity of national artistic culture, its universal responsiveness and the truth of life in the world of art. For English-speaking audience Shukshin-artist took his rightful place in the gallery of fame of Russian culture. Summing up the perception of creativity of Shukshin-writer and filmmaker in the English-speaking countries, it should be, above all, to note its considerable attention in the academic circles, which is an important key to the deepening of interest in his studies in Russia. He remains in the field of view of the serious literary critics and experts on Russian culture, regardless of the political climate in the world today. In the American consciousness Shukshin has been involved in creating a fair, written from the "inside" chronicles of the tragedies of Soviet society, being indeed an eminent historian of Russia. The perception of artistic heritage of Shukshin in criticism and Slavic in U.S. and the UK as a whole conveys the complexity of contacts controversial defined interstate political relations with Russia in the XX and XXI century and allows us to determine the basic ways of a dialogue between two civilizations. His diverse works show the active humanity of Russian culture, its "world-wide responsiveness" (F. Dostoevsky) and the "art of the truth of life" (Sholokhov), which carries Russian realism triumphed over its entire history.
Текст |
Введение «Культурный фактор» в ис...
Ключевые слова |
Англоязычная аудитория
галерея славы всемирная отзывчивость искусство правды жизни диалог цивилизаций закодированный смысл рассказов воля через песню языковое своеобразие [ENG]
English-language audience
glory gallery responsiveness to the world's problems the art of depicting life realities dialogue between civilizations the coded meaning of stories will through songs linguistic identity |
Ссылки |
Файлы | 4-stopchenko.pdf |
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