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Статья «Алексей Кириллов и проблема декаданса»

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Тип [RAR] – Научная статья
Коды [УДК] 821.161.1
Алексей Кириллов и проблема декаданса
Aleksei Kirillov and the problem of decadence
Исмаель Аммар
Кубанский государственный университет
Аспирант, кафедра зарубежной литературы и сравнительного культуроведения
Ismael Ammar
Kuban State University
Postgraduate student, Department of Foreign Literature and Comparative Cultural Studies
Статья посвящена проблеме декаданса в романе Ф.М. Достоевского «Бесы» в связи с образом А.Кириллова. Автор анализирует образ героя, выделяет его отличительные черты. Важнейшим свойством образа Кириллова автор считает болезненную раздвоенность: инженер, он одержим мыслями о разрушении; жизнь предстает перед ним как искушение, которое нужно преодолеть. Основой метафизики Кириллова является атеизм. Затем автор переходит к анализу литературы, посвященной образу Кириллова, в которой выделяет две важнейших тенденции: к отождествлению позиций автора и героя и к их разграничению.
The article deals with the problem of decadence in Fyodor Dostoevsky's novel "The Demons" under the interpretation of image of A.Kirillov. Purpose of this research is to identify the images and ideas of decadence in the novel and in the portrait of the hero. Dostoevsky's "The Demons" is put as an object of the current study as well as the problem of decadence in the image of A.Kirillov forms its subject. The novelty of this paper is that the author emphasizes the role of Dostoevsky as one of the founders of Russian decadence: many of the motifs of his works formed the most important foundations of Russian decadence, and without a doubt, raised it to the serious intellectual and ideological heights. In a special way ideas are expressed in the form of decadence Alexei Kirillov, who has become one of the most popular characters of the novel in critical acclamations. The author analyzes the image of the hero, highlights its distinctive features. The author then passes to analysis of the criticism on the image of Kirillov, where he sees two major trends: an identification of the author and the hero and their differentiation. An important feature of the image of Kirillov, according to the author's consideration, is a painful dichotomy: an engineer, he is obsessed with thoughts of destruction, life appears before him as a temptation that must be overcome. Atheism lies in the basisof Kirillov's metaphysics.
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