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Статья «Проблема реализации транслитерации с русской кириллицы на хорватскую латиницу»

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Проблемы современного языкознания
Страницы 84-97
Тип [RAR] – Научная статья
Коды [УДК] 003.034
Проблема реализации транслитерации с русской кириллицы на хорватскую латиницу
The problem of realization of Russian transliteration from Russian Cyrillic to Croatian Latin
Желька Милановна
Загребский университет
Доктор филологических наук, доцент
Željka Milanovna
The University of Zagreb
Doctor of Philosophy, professor
В статье поднята проблема транслитерации русских имен и фамилий в латинском варианте хорватского письма. Выделяется проблема культурологического, морфемного и фонематического влияния на транслитерацию. С другой стороны, в статье подчеркивается проблема одновременного существования разных типов транслитерации и проблема непоследовательности в употреблении этих типов.
Article describes a situation with transliteration of first and last Russian names from Russian Cyrillic to Croatian version of Latin alphabet. Article emphasizes the problem of culturological, morphological and phonemic influence on translation, which should be, by a definition, a simple exchange of graphical symbols. Furthermore, the article describes a problem of different type of translation usage at the same time and the problem of inconsistency in usage of these types, concerning time and place. As research material the author takes Russian names in Croatian transliteration. The purpose of this paper is to identify trends domination of various principles of transliteration in translation of Russian names and surnames. The study reveals the problem of cultural, morphemic and phonemic influence on transliteration, which itself supposed be just a simple change of graphic signs. On the other hand, the article emphasizes the problem of the simultaneous existence of different types of transliteration and the issue of inconsistency in the use of these types, relative to the period and place of usage. The author distinguishes three principles of transliteration when transferring Russian anthroponyms: 1) traditional, based on the principles of trans-phonemic transcription, and transmorphemization; 2) absolute transliteration by Croatian Latin version, and 3) the absolute transliteration with genuine (Anglophone) variant of Latin. The author concludes that the simultaneous and parallel mixing of three types of transliteration takes place in different sources and depends to a greater extent on the user's outlook than from its core literacy based on national uniform spelling.
Введение Под транслитерац...
Ключевые слова
принципы транслитерации
русская кириллица
хорватская латиница
Russian Cyrillic
Croatian Latin alphabet
different types of word transfer
  1. Суперанская А. В. Транслитерация // Большой энциклопедический словарь: Языкознание. – М.: НИ БРЭ, 2000. – С. 518.
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  3. Čelić Ž. Ortografska analiza anglicizama u ruskim reklamama // Strani jezici 34, 4. – Zagreb: Školska knjiga, 2005. – P. 303-317.
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  5. Vince Z. Putovima hrvatskoga književnog jezika. – Zagreb: NZ Matice hrvatske, 2002. -781 p.
  6. Zelić-Bućan B. Bosančica ili hrvatska ćirilica u srednjoj Dalmaciji. – Split: Državni arhiv u Splitu, 2000. – 133 p.
  1. Čelić, Ž. (2005), "Orthographic analysis of borrowings in Russian advertising" ["Ortografska analiza anglizama u ruskim reklamama"], Strani jezici, No. 34(4), Zagreb, pp. 303-317.
  2. Čelić, Ž. (2006), "Morphological adaptation of anglicisms in Russian advertising" ["Morfologicheskaya adaptatsiya anglitsizmov v russkoi reklame"], in Problems of semantics of linguistic units in a cultural context (linguistic and methodological aspects) [Problemy semantiki yazykovykh edinits v kontekste kul'tury (lingvisticheskii i lingvometodicheskii aspekty)], Moscow:Kostroma, pp. 512-515.
  3. Gallagher, M. (1982), "Negotiation of control in media organizations and occupations", Culture, Society and the Media, London:New York, pp. 151-173.
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  5. Vince, Z. (2002), Paths of Croatian language [Putovima hrvatskoga književnog jezika], Zagreb, 781 p.
  6. Zelić-Bućan, B. (2000), Bosancica Cyrillic or Croatian in Dalmatia [Bosančica ili hrvatska ćirilica u srednjoj Dalmaciji], Split, 133 p.
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