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Статья «Научно-философский эволюционизм как основа художественного метода И. Ефремова»

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Тип [RAR] – Научная статья
Коды [УДК] 82-32
Научно-философский эволюционизм как основа художественного метода И. Ефремова
Scientific and philosophical basis of evolutionism as a literary method of I. Efremov
Екатерина Андреевна
Алтайская государственная педагогическая академия
Ekaterina Andreevna
Altai State Pedagogical Academy
Postgraduate student
В статье раскрывается одна из основных черт творчества писателя и учёного-палеонтолога Ивана Ефремова – совмещение научного и гуманитарного методов в создании художественного текста. Цель статьи – исследование способов такого совмещения, которое и послужило основой для возникновения в творчестве писателя особого метода – научно-философского эволюционизма.
This paper tries to formulate a proof of the conjecture on one of the cornerstones of individual literary method of Ivan Efremov. The author calls his system scientific and philosophical evolutionism and justifies it on a successive transition from paleontology to intellectual science-fiction literature of the middle of the twentieth century. The research draws particular attention to understanding the essence of paleontology as a science, and also to the nature of the relationship between scientific and artistic components in the works of I.A. Efremov. Given analysis suggests that the synthesis of scientific and artistic approaches is the "third" – on the bounds between scientific logic and artistic intuition – method of descriptions, and, therefore, is the interpretation of the phenomena of objective and subjective reality. The author stresses that this approach in Efremov's writings was realized not only thematically or in a special understanding and sense of time and space, but it became a kind of mechanism for personal creative development of the author and the basis for a creative method, implemented within the boundaries of the literary heritage of Ivan Efremov. The results of this research can be used not only for the developing scientific and descriptive approach toolsets to be applied to the works of I.A. Efremov, but can also be used to best explain the peculiarities of the writer's work on the lessons of home reading in high school, secondary school and in college courses "Russian Soviet literature".
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Иван Ефремов
Ivan Efremov
  1. Боровишкин Э.Н., Гречко Г.М. Иван Антонович Ефремов // «Земля и Вселенная». – 1977. – № 5. [Электронный ресурс]. – Режим доступа: http://www.i-efremov.ru/about/EandU.htm
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  4. Жизнь учёного и писателя / Интервью И. Ефремова // Вопросы литературы. – 1978. – № 2. – С. 187-208.
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  6. Королёв В. Как фантаста записали в английские шпионы: [О сфабрикованном деле по обвинению Ивана Ефремова] // Столица. – 1991. – № 16. – С. 44-46.
  7. Кривель А. Влюблённый в Гоби: [О писателе и палеонтологе И.А. Ефремове, 1907-1973] // Азия и Африка сегодня. – 1997. – №3. – С. 63.
  8. Симпсон Дж. Методы изучения эволюции: определение возраста осадочных пород и реконструкция облика ископаемых форм – М.: Мир, 1983. – 256 с. [Электронный ресурс]. – Режим доступа: http://afonin-59-bio.narod.ru/4_evolution/4_evolution_individual/ev_ind_20.htm.
  9. Чудинов П.К. Иван Антонович Ефремов. – М.: Наука, 1987. – 224 с.
  10. Efremov, I. A meeting over Tuscarora and other adventure stories. – London: Hutcinson&Co (Publishers) LTD, 1946. – 126 p.
  1. Borovishkin, E.N., Grechko, G.M. (1977), "Ivan Antonovich Efremov", Zemlya i Vselennaya, No. 5, available at: http://www.i-efremov.ru/about/EandU.htm
  2. Brandis, E.P., Dmitrievsky, V.I. (1963), Through the mountains of time [Cherez gory vremeni], Moscow:Leningrad, 219 p.
  3. Chudinov, P. K. (1987), Ivan Antonovich Efremov, Мoscow, 224 p.
  4. Efremov, I. (1946), A meeting over Tuscarora and other adventure stories, London, 126 p.
  5. Efremov, I.A. (1989), "About my work" ["O svoei rabote"], in Efremov, I.A., Collected works in 5 vols. [Sobranie sochinenii v 5 tomakh], Vol. 5, Book I, Мoscow.
  6. Konan Doyle, A. "Five kernels of an orange" ["Pyat' zernyshek apel'sina"], available at: http://lib.rus.ec/b/66746/read
  7. Korolev, V. (1991), "How the fantast was written down in English spies: About forged file on Ivan Efremov" ["Kak fantasta zapisali v angliiskie shpiony: O sfabrikovannom dele po obvineniyu Ivana Efremova"], Stolitsa, No. 16, pp. 44-46.
  8. Krivel, A. (1997), "Enamoured in Gobi: About the writer and paleontologist I.A. Efremov, 1907–1973" ["Vlyublennyi v Gobi: O pisatele i paleontologe I.A. Efremove, 1907–1973"], Aziya i Afrika segodnya, No. 3, p. 63.
  9. Simpson, J. (1983), The methods of studying of evolution: definition of age of sedimentary breeds and reconstruction of fossil form's shape [Metody izucheniya evolyutsii: opredelenie vozrasta osadochnykh porod i rekonstruktsiya oblika iskopaemykh form], Мoscow, 256 p., available at: http://afonin-59-bio.narod.ru/4_evolution/4_evolution_individual/ev_ind_ 20.htm
  10. "The life of the scientist and the writer" ["Zhizn' uchenogo i pisatelya"], interview with I.A. Efremov, Voprosy literatury, 1978, No. 2, pp. 187-208.
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