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Связующая нить: “Гамлет” шекспировский и современный
The time is out of joint: the Shakespeare's Hamlet and contemporary
Вера Владимировна
ООО «Аналитика Родис»
Кандидат филологических наук, научный редактор
Vera Vladimirovna
"Analitika Rodis" publishing
PhD (Philology), science editor
Елена Александровна
ООО «Аналитика Родис»
Кандидат философских наук, генеральный директор
Elena Aleksandrovna
"Analytika Rodis" publishing
PhD (Philosophy), general director
Статья посвящена истории постановок трагедии У. Шекспира «Гамлет». Авторы уделяют внимание различным способам жанровой трактовки, сценографии и пониманию образа Гамлета в истории постановок и экранизаций классического сюжета. Краткий обзор истории воплощений трагедии завершается рассмотрением последнего из «Гамлетов» российской сцены – постановки Александра Огарева в Краснодарском академическом театре драмы.
The article is dedicated to the variety of productions of William Shakespeare's "Hamlet" tragedy. The authors pay specific attention to the multiple ways of interpretation of the genre, set design and an understanding of the image in the history of "Hamlet"'s innumerous theatre stagings and screen adaptations. As starting methodological principles of the current study the authors take, first, the mythological and ritual ground of theater itself, and the genre of tragedy in particular, and also, second, the desire to get as much closer to the aesthetic settings that the genius and legendary play wright confessed himself. The purpose of the article is to make a research survey into the various performances and screenings of "Hamlet" from the point of manifestation in the directions and set designs of the masterpiece its mythological and ritual foundation, glimmering in tragedy as a genre since Dionysus times. The goal predetermined the objectives of the work: the research aimed to briefly examine the mythological and ritual initial basis of drama and tragedy; to examine the key features of Shakespeare's theatre; to highlight the main features of the structure of "Hamlet" tragedy and the most noteworthy aspects of its interpretation; to elaborate on the significant milestones of "hamletization" in the XX and XXI centuries and, in particular, the last token staging of the tragedy in M. Gorky Krasnodar Theater of Drama. As the material for the research paper the analysts use the impressions of the modern productions of "Hamlet", video recordings of stagings and filmings, as well as historical investigations into the history of theater and ritual and also works on Shakespeare studies. Obvious time span restriction of the current study material to the XX century and the beginning of XXI is due to the special role of myth in the culture of this period, from the epoch of decadence, when, by the way, the image of Hamlet has obtained especially thrilling topicality. Today, after the death of one of the pillars of the Russian direction Peter Fomenko, the main line of development of the theater is undoubtedly associated with the name of Anatoly Vasilyev and his students; and one of those, Alexander Ogarev, staged his "Hamlet" in M. Gorky Krasnodar Theater of Drama, this performance is truly indicative model of "Hamlet" vision in the present and hadn't been yet described in the scientific literature as an important and original interpretation of the eternal story.
Введение Трагедия о Гамлете, принц...
Ключевые слова
мастерство актера
set design
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