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Статья «К вопросу об употреблении инициальных букв* в старославянской и древнерусской письменности»

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Коды [УДК] 811.163.1
К вопросу об употреблении инициальных букв* в старославянской и древнерусской письменности
Regarding the issue of the usage of initial letters* in the Old Slavonic and Old Russian writing
Сафия Филипповна
Московский педагогический государственный университет
Safiya Filippovna
Moscow State Pedagogical University, General Linguistics Department
Postgraduate student
Фонематический принцип является основным в современной русской орфографии, так же, как и в старославянской: каждой отдельной букве соответствует или должна соответствовать фонема. В данной статье затрагивается вопрос о фонематическом статусе инициального j в глаголической и кириллической азбуках, а также проблема употребления инициальных* в старославянской письменности.
This article addresses the issue of phonemic status of the initial "j" in Glagolitic and Cyrillic alphabets, as well as the problem of initial use of* in the Old Church Slavonic writing. The question of initial usage of* is in close connection with the problem of the origin of the j-prosthesis. In this case the explorers deal with not only with the history of individual letters, but with the history of the evolution of phonological and phonetic systems in general. The author gives deep analysis of the research of the origin, pronunciation and spelling of initial letters in the Old Church Slavonic and Old Russian, and compares the results in terms of Russian, Bulgarian, Croatian and American studies of the history of the language. The author notes that the researcher's job is complicated by the fact that cases of improper use of vowel letters, their indistinction, are combined with examples of new words with prothetic consonants in anlaut. Separating these examples from those of the misuse of* is rather difficult and sometimes impossible, and it is safe to speak only of tradition dominant in a certain period, and only under the condition that it has been fixed in the series of records.
Введение Решение вопроса употребле...
Ключевые слова
Фонема j
инициальные буквы
Glagolitic alphabet
Cyrillic alphabet
initial letters
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Инициальные буквы

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