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Статья «Пространственно-временная модель концепта “война” в “кавказской” прозе В. С. Маканина»

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Пространственно-временная модель концепта “война” в “кавказской” прозе В. С. Маканина
Spatial and temporal model of the concept of war in "Caucasian" prose of V. Makanin
Виктория Борисовна
Магнитогорский государственный технический университет
Кандидат филологических наук, доцент кафедры культурологии и русского языка
Viktoriya Borisovna
Magnitogorsk State Technical University
PhD (Philology), assistant professor, Cultural sciences and Russian language department
В данной статье рассматривается концепт «Война» и приёмы его моделирования в художественном дискурсе. Данный концепт, включающий в себя вариативные компоненты, имеет пространственные и темпоральные характеристики, позволяющие конструировать горизонтальную и вертикальную модель концепта. Образной составляющей концепта «война» становятся визуально-аудиальные мотивы. Материалом исследования являются рассказ «Кавказский пленный» и роман «Асан» В.С. Маканина.
This article deals with the concept of war and methods of its modeling in "Caucasian" prose by V. Makanin. The concept, which includes variable components, has spatial and temporal characteristics allowing to develop the horizontal and vertical model of the concept. The specificity of the investigating this concept is based on "up-down" and "internal-external" oppositions and corresponds to the Russian world model with its multivariable structure. What is more, the conceptual space of the prosaic discourse reveals peculiar features conditioned by the landscape and character of the war, which determines domination of the vertical or horizontal structure. The article discusses the vertical in relationship of characters definitely determined not by military hierarchy but personal importance of each person, and the vertical of portrayal of war symbolizing life or chance for salvation. As contrasted to the latter, the horizontal model of war reflects its absurdity and tragedy, as considered based on examples of several scenes of the novel "Asan". The temporal model of the war concept is tightly connected with the spatial one and represents a cyclical time model realizing as mixture of times – wonderful peaceful past, with stillness and tranquility, is opposed to the absurdity of war with its noise, fuss and panic. For this reason, the article also directs some attention to visual and audial motives of forming the image component of the concept of war.
Введение Для «кавказской» прозы В...
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«Кавказская» проза В.С. Маканина
концепт «война»
моделирование концепта
V. S. Makanin
the "Caucasian" prose
the concept
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  4. Маканин В.С. Асан. – М.: Эксмо, 2008. – 480 с.
  5. Маканин В.С. Кавказский пленный. – М.: Эксмо, 2009. – 36 с.
  1. Burakova, O.M. (2008), "The specifics of studying the semantic field "War" ["Osobennosti izuchenija semanticheskogo polja "Vojna"], VIII International scientific and practical conference "Lichnost'-slovo-socium": collected reports, Minsk, pp.146-152.
  2. Golovan, O.V. (2003), Semantic and associative structure of the concept "war" (based on works by R. Oldington and V.M. Garshin): dissertation [Semantiko-associativnaja struktura koncepta "vojna" (na materiale proizvedenij R. Oldingtona i V.M. Garshina): dissertatsia], Barnaul, 154 p.
  3. Makanin, V.S. (2008), Asan [Asan], Moscow, 480 p.
  4. Makanin, V.S. (2009), The Caucasian prisoner [Kavkazskij plennyj], Moscow, 36 p.
  5. Venediktova, L.H. (2004), The concept "war" in the linguistic worldview: dissertation [Koncept "vojna" v jazykovoj kartine mira: dissertatsia], Tyumen, 180 p.
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