Раздел |
Политические процессы и институты |
Страницы | 9-30 |
Тип | [RAR] – Научная статья |
Коды | [УДК] 321.7 |
Заглавие |
Демократия как аутопойетическая система[ENG]
Democracy as an autopoietic system |
Авторы |
Аннотация |
В статье рассматривается системно-эволюционная теория немецкого социолога Никласа Лумана применительно к исследованию политических систем. Автор обосновывает использование эволюционного подхода в качестве методологической базы изучения политики и конкретно демократии, а также раскрывает возможности аутопойезиса как внутрисистемной адаптации демократических политических систем.
The article considers the system-evolution theory advanced by a German sociologist Nicholas Luhmann as applied to the analysis of political systems. Autopoiesis is considered as intersystem adaptation, ability of system to recreate the main components, provide their orderliness, support its own identity, and make changes in the system. The author proves the use of an evolutionary approach as a methodological base of democracy studying as an autopojetic system in which the following three evolutionary functions operate: variation, selection and re-stabilization. In the course of a variation the system changes are in process, the selection drafts such changes; the re-stabilization fixes a new state of the evolving system. The democracy development evolution testifies that it should be permanently adjusted to the outward things. Therefore democracy can be preserved as an evolving form of social life organization and retaining its fundamental features, only if we effectively deal with the challenges of modernity. That is why democracy in the XXIst century will also have its peculiarities, which are just exhibiting now and are in the process of selection and re-stabilization.
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Ключевые слова |
эволюция система демократия аутопойезис метод варьирование селекция рестабилизация коммуникация [ENG]
evolution system democracy autopoiesis method variable selective breeding re-stabilization communication |
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