Раздел |
Массовые коммуникации |
Страницы | 121-132 |
Тип | [RAR] – Научная статья |
Коды | [УДК] 304.9 |
Заглавие |
Публицистика в поисках путей социального обновления общества: взаимопротивостоящие начала[ENG]
Social and political journalism in search of social renewal of society: inter-opposing principles |
Авторы |
Аннотация |
В данной статье автор рассматривает понятие публицистики как род профессионального занятия профессиональных публицистов, а также как наиболее оперативный и интенсивный живой способ восприятия и интерпретации бурно и быстро текущей реальности.
The article considers the concept "political journalism" as a kind of professional work which lends itself to classification and ranging according to life depth levels as well as to valuation by criteria of depth-exteriority level of "findpaths". By dint of this criterion one may determine the truth-falsity degree of some journalistic works. The author sets this initial problem as far as the question is the social and political journalism as a peculiar method of search or camouflage of actual renewal paths. The qualitative criterion (criterion of all criteria) for the topic discussed is the sociality level of renewal and self-renewal paths and the means of their perception and thus self-actualization. Social and political journalism is multifaced and "multilayer" on its own account. It varies in: comprehension level of different reality layers-levels (from superficial to deep-seated); historical sweep of processes and events (from social sources and perspective tendencies to the especial topic of the day); delicacy of revelation of historical interrelations of the past, present and future; level of theoreticalness-empiricalness; "technology" of reality comprehension and explanation (from the analysis and generalization of processes to compilation of facts and fragments). The author overperforms the inter-opposing "principles" in social and political journalism, i.e. collections of concepts, conceptual mindsets since this is not a time for talking about final conclusions and results in explanation of the "transitional" and not yet accomplished social reality even by dint of journalistic means.
Текст |
Введение Публицистика (от лат. p...
Ключевые слова |
поляризация публицистики социализированная и политизированная публицистика влияние публицистики на политику институт советников [ENG]
Social and political journalism
polarization of journalism socialized and politically motivated journalism journalism's influence on politics councilor institute |
Ссылки |
Файлы | 9-choiropov.pdf |
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