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Статья «Исследование роли понятийного мышления в личностной рефлексии подростков»

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Педагогическая психология
Страницы 125-137
Тип [RAR] – Научная статья
Коды [УДК] 159.955.4; 159.955.2
Исследование роли понятийного мышления в личностной рефлексии подростков
Research of the role of conception thinking in teenagers' personal reflection
Константин Сергеевич
Московский государственный гуманитарный университет им. М.А. Шолохова
Аспирант, педагог-психолог, кафедра общей и экспериментальной психологии
Konstantin Sergeevich
Sholokhov Moscow State University for the Humanities
Postgraduate student, educational psychologist, department of general and experimental psychology
Статья посвящена исследованию роли понятийного мышления в личностной рефлексии подростков. В ходе исследования раскрывается методика выявления уровня развития рефлексии. Автор приходит к выводу о взаимозависимости между уровнем развития понятийного мышления и личностной рефлексией.
In modern discontinuous socioeconomic situation forming of reflexive capabilities and resources based on the study of various reflection aspects becomes rather actual. Among these aspects are communicative, personal, intellectual, which in total provide realization and rethinking of contradictory factors of evolution of man and society. Taking into account these general psychological investigations some ontogenetic researches of age-dependent features of reflection and its development in educational and professional activity are carried out as well. Whereas communicative reflection is referred to social psychology then personal and intellectual reflections are referred to general psychology. In this context the study of the problem of correlation of intellectual and personal becomes a rather actual one. The author studies it on the material of clarifying the role of "conception thinking" in "personal reflection". The study of the role of conception thinking in personal reflection requires a special psychological examination taking into account cultural and historical conformities of consciousness ontogenesis and its significant and assignment mediacy. The author concludes that there is apparently a kind of interdependence between the level of development of conception thinking and personal reflection. The higher is conceptual development the more vivid is the hierarchy of conceptual-motivational sphere, the more often in solving problem-personal situations the moral categories are used as motivation acts, and the more stable is the position of a probationer in passing from a personal context to an impersonal one. It is evident that it can be explained on the assumption of understanding the process of personal enhancement as the process not only mediated by social interaction but also determined by culture. It just absorption of culture by man through ideas and norms of activity gives him socially worked-out hand levers for controlling his behavior as well as those foundations where a complex system of integral human personality can be built.
Введение В современной быстро ме...
Ключевые слова
Понятийное мышление
исследовательский подход
смыслово-мотивационная сфера
Conception thinking
research approach
conceptual-motivational sphere
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