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Статья «Психосоматические расстройства: теории и концепции»

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Психосоматические расстройства: теории и концепции
Psychosomatic disorders: theory and concepts
Мариан Николаевич
Институт психологии и психоанализа
Психолог, психоаналитик, аппликант Общества Московских Психоаналитиков, член ОПАИ (общества психоаналитических исследователей)
Marian Nikolaevich
Institute of Psychology and Psychoanalysis
Psychologist, psychoanalyst, applicant of the Moscow Society of Psychoanalysts, member of the SPR (Society of Psychoanalytic Researchers)
В статье освещены современные представления о психологических и физиологических механизмах формирования психосоматических расстройств.
Psychosomatic Medicine is a conceptual approach to health and illness, which considers the psychosomatic state as an interaction of psychological, social and biological factors. This approach is fundamentally different from the traditional biomedical model of disease as immaculately physical abnormality caused by exposure to physical and chemical factors. For that reason many doctors see a healthy reaction to depersonalized medicine in the psychosomatic approach, which is the result of narrow specialization and technicalization that radically changed the relationship "doctor-patient". In the modern world psychosomatic medicine means a method of treatment and a science of the relationship between mental and physical processes, which closely link a human being with the environment. The principle of unity of body and soul is the foundation of medicine. It provides the right approach to the patient that is a necessity not only to some medical specialty but in all areas of pre-clinical and clinical examination and treatment. All of the proposed concepts of the development of psychosomatic diseases in this article occur from purely psychological or physiological prerequisites. Meanwhile psychosomatic disorders are characterized by a combination of these and other factors in its genesis.
Введение Психосоматическая медицин...
Ключевые слова
психосоматические заболевания
психосоматические расстройства
psychosomatic diseases
psychosomatic disorders
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