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Статья «Понятие инновационной продукции и особенности её закупки» / Article "The concept of innovative products and its procurement features"

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Архивные данные статьи Ивановой В.О. / Archival data of the article written by Ivanova V.O.

Выходные данные научной статьи / Article output data

Раздел / Sectional title
Инновационные методы управления отраслями и комплексами
Innovative methods of industry management
Страницы / Pages 10-24
Тип / Type [RAR] – Научная статья
Коды / Numbers [УДК] 373.167
Заглавие / Title
Понятие инновационной продукции и особенности её закупки
The concept of innovative products and its procurement features
Авторы / Authors
Виктория Олеговна
Старший преподаватель,
Удмуртский государственный университет,
Viktoriya Olegovna
Senior lecturer,
Udmurt State University
Аннотация / Abstract
Инновации в различных сферах экономики уже давно стали нормой и институт госзакупок, как один из главных институтов организации действенных политических инструментов поддержки национальной инновационной системы не является исключением.
В данной статье рассматриваются некоторые дискуссионные вопросы определения понятия инновационной продукции и критерии отнесения товаров, работ, услуг к категории инновационной.
Innovation, science and technology development are the guarantee to business competitiveness, improving the quality of its operations, productivity and resulting in economic growth.
The subject of study in this paper is the issue of innovative products procurement in the Russian Federation, which currently rests on the very ideology of the current system of the government procurement.
The purpose of the article is to study different approaches to specify the sense of innovative products in the conditions of the state contract system.
Using the methods of perception and generalization, as well as comparative and situational analysis the author compares the criteria for classification of commodities, works and services in the category of innovation for the purpose of generating a plan of public procurement.
In author's judgement the system of state and municipal procurement is one of the most powerful tools (in theory) of stimulation of innovative activities of business units and innovative renovation of government institutions, which in turn leads to a better and more fully repletion of wants of the society.
Consequently, the system of state procurement must be used effectively encouraging innovation processes necessary to improve the competitiveness of domestic producers and the efficiency of government institutions, as well as to have a focus on the deriving long-term profit of public investments. Government contract, in turn, should be considered as an important element of the government economy, and objects of its formation, the terms of the placement and execution of government orders should be directed to the increase of innovativeness of the economy.
Текст / Text
Введение В настоящее время государственные закупки...
Ключевые слова / Keywords
Государственные закупки
инновационная продукция
критерии инновационности
Government procurement
innovative produce
criteria of innovation
Ссылки / References
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  12. Williamson, O.E. (2002), "The Theory of the Firm as Governance Structure: From Choice to Contract", Journal of Economic Perspectives, Vol. 16, No 3, pp. 171-196.
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Файлы / Files 1-ivanova.pdf

Выходные данные журнала «Экономика: вчера, сегодня, завтра», в котором размещена статья / Publisher's imprint of the journal "Economics: Yesterday, Today and Tomorrow", which includes the article