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Статья «Стратегическое отраслевое законодательство России: критический анализ и предложения по изменению» / Article "Strategic sector legislation in Russia: critique and proposal for change"

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Архивные данные статьи Бэм Джошуа / Archival data of the article written by Bam Joshua

Выходные данные научной статьи / Article output data

Раздел / Sectional title
Дискуссионные вопросы современной гражданско-правовой науки
Discussion of contemporary issues of civil science
Страницы / Pages 29-62
Тип / Type [RAR] – Научная статья
Коды / Numbers [УДК] 347.72
Заглавие / Title
Стратегическое отраслевое законодательство России: критический анализ и предложения по изменению
Strategic sector legislation in Russia: critique and proposal for change
Авторы / Authors
Бэм Джошуа
Кандидат юридических наук,
Университет штата Пенсильвания, Школа права Дикинсон
Bam Joshua
Juris Doctor Candidate,
Pennsylvania State University, Dickinson School of Law,
Аннотация / Abstract
Новое стратегическое отраслевое законодательство России, Федеральный закон № 57-ФЗ 2008 года и его последующие поправки, Федеральный закон № 322-ФЗ 2011 года теперь контролируют, кто может делать инвестиции и сколько прямых иностранных инвестиций разрешается делать российским лицам, определённых как «стратегически важные для национальной обороны или безопасности». Стратегическое отраслевое законодательство России имеет сходство с уже существующими моделями прямых иностранных инвестиций во многих других развитых странах, например в Соединенных Штатах, но в России оно внушает страх многим иностранным инвесторам, встревоженным масштабами и последствиями законов, созданной бюрократии и перечнем стратегических мероприятий, которые, по-видимому, исключают иностранных инвесторов (и некоторых российских инвесторов) из крупной инвестиционной деятельности в некоторых прибыльных и, казалось бы, безобидных российских проектах. В данной статье рассматриваются опасения иностранных инвесторов, предлагаются изменения в новую модель прямых инвестиций в России, например упрощенные требования уведомления, более лимитированное государственное вмешательство в частные дела бизнеса, а также более узкий перечень стратегически важных видов деятельности.
Russia's new Strategic Sector Law, provoked after Siemens of Germany attempted to purchase Power Machines which produces about 90% of turbines in Russia, should have been hailed as Russia's triumph over complicated bureaucracy and foreign investor uncertainty, but most foreign investors decry the law as merely adding an extra lawyer of bureaucracy, needlessly over-broad, and an infringement on foreign direct investor privacy and business confidentiality. To complicate matters further, the Strategic Sector Law has even entangled one prominent Russian investor attempting to enter Russia's subsoil industry. The concerns are grave, but the solutions are easy if Russia is willing to implement them. This Article discusses foreign direct investor concerns and proposes changes to Russia's new foreign direct investment scheme such as simplified notice requirements, a more limited scope of government intrusion into private business affairs, and a narrower list of strategically important activities. While Russia has become a global competitor in the market for foreign direct investment, the country is far from realizing maximum foreign direct investment due in part to easily solvable problems with its Strategic Sector Law.
Текст / Text
"We are being asked what has changed in Russia, why...
Ключевые слова / Keywords
Прямые иностранные инвестиции
стратегический сектор
Foreign direct investment
strategic sector
Ссылки / References
  1. 2012 Investment Climate Statement – Russia // U.S. Department of State, Bureau of Economic and Business Affairs. Available at: www.state.gov/e/eb/rls/othr/ics/2012/191223.htm
  2. Blomfield A. Russia bans sturgeon fishing in the Caspian Sea // The Telegraph. Available at: www.telegraph.co.uk/earth/earthnews/3337528/Russia-bans-sturgeon-fishing-in-Caspian-Sea.html
  3. Budylin S., Dyakin D., Evseev D., Gill Y., Heath J., Kelley C. Russia // International Lawyer. – 2010. – No. 44. – P. 737.
  4. Butler, W.E. Russian Law. 3rd ed. – Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2009. – 860 p.
  5. Congressional Votes Pave Way for Permanent normal Trade Relations with Russia and Moldova // Office of the United States Trade Representative. Available at: www.ustr.gov/russia
  6. Corruption Perceptions Index // Transparency International. Available at: http://cpi.transparency.org/cpi2011/results/
  7. Definition of FDI (Foreign Direct Investment). Available at: www.economics.about.com/cs/economicsglossary/g/fdi.htm
  8. Devyatyarov E. FAS will oblige Singaporeans to observe state secrets // Izvestia. Available at: www.izvestia.ru/news/524361
  9. Edict of the President No. 1009. Available at: http://archive.kremlin.ru/text/docs/2004/08/75174.shtml
  10. Fagan D.N. The U.S. Regulator and Institutional Framework for FDI. Available at: www.vcc.columbia.edu/ pubs/ documents/ FaganFinal English_001.pdf
  11. FDI in Figures 2012 // OECD. Available at: www.oecd.org/daf/international investment/investment statistic sandanalysis/ FDI%20in%20figures.pdf
  12. Federal Law No. 322-FZ. Available at: www.tax.eycis.info/RL.nsf/da516d467fdcef4dc32 5695f00338be0/e9455c806c97d705c32 575bb003704fe? OpenDocument/
  13. Federal Law No. 57-FZ "On the Procedure for Foreign Investments in the Business Entities of Strategic Importance for Russian National Defence and State Security. Available at: www.wipo.int/wipolex/en/text.jsp?file_id=188843
  14. Foreign direct investment, net inflows in U.S. $ // The World Bank. Available at: http:// data.worldbank.org/ indicator/ BX.KLT.DINV. CD.WD? page=3
  15. Foreign Investment and Strategic Investments in Russia // Russian Law Online. Available at: www.russianlawonline.com/ content/ foreign- investments- strategic- investments- russia
  16. Foreign investment in strategic industries: first set of amendments. Debvoise and Plimpton Client Update. Available at: www.debevoise.com/ files/ Publication/ d7993aa3-8c3c- 43a8-a2d7- ca2d86f3f0fa/ Presentation/ Publication Attachment/ 54dc9828-f07d-450f- b42f-ddec537ba3eb/ Foreign Investmentsin Strategic IndustriesFirstSetof Amendments.pdf
  17. Foreign Investments in India // Reserve Bank of India. Available at: www.rbi.org.in/scripts/faqview.aspx?id=26
  18. Frenkel W.G., Sukham M.Y. New Foreign Investment Regimes of Russia and other Republics of the Former U.S.S.R.: A Legislative Analysis and Historical Perspective // Boston College International and Comparative Law Review. – 1993. – No. 16. – Pp. 338-340.
  19. Gati T.T. Russia New Law on Foreign Investment in Strategic Sectors and the Role of State Corporations in the Russian Economy. Available at: www.akingump.com/files/upload/Foreign_ Investment%20 in%20Russian%20 Strategic%20 Sectors%20- %20by%20Toby%20 T.%20Gati.pdf
  20. Gosling T. 39 Steps down for the Cabinet's liberal faction // Russia Profile. Available at: http://russiaprofile.org/business/a1184930779/print_edition/
  21. Gosling T. Russia Bounces Back, Mega FDI Deals Pump Up Confidence // Russia and India Report. Available at: www.indrus.in/articles/2011/02/09/russia_ bounces_ back_mega_fdi_deals_ pump_up_confidence_ 12143.html
  22. Heath J. Strategic Protectionism? National Security and Foreign Investment in the Russian Federation. Available at www.works.bepress.com/jesse_heath/1/
  23. Jackson J.K. The Exon-Florio National Security Test for Foreign Investment // CRS Report for Congress. Available at: www.fas.org/sgp/crs/natsec/RS22197.pdf
  24. Jeffries I. Economic Developments in Contemporary Russia. – London: Routledge, 2010. – 576 p.
  25. Kramer A.E. U.S. Companies Worry About Effect of Russia Joining W.T.O. Available at: www.nytimes.com/2012/08/22/business/with-russia-joining-wto-us-companies-worry-about-losing-business.html?pagewanted=all&_r=0
  26. Kramer A.E., Reed S. BP Will Switch Russian Partners Through a Deal with Rosneft // New York Times. Available at: www.dealbook.nytimes.com/2012/10/22/bp-near-deal-to-sell-assets-to-rosneft/
  27. MacFadyen K. Russian Reversal // Mergers and Acquisitions. – 2011. – No. 2(46). – P. 12.
  28. Mellow C. Russia Tries to Court Foreign Investment // Institutional Investor. Available at: http://search. proquest. com.ezaccess. libraries.psu. edu/docview/ 903703371
  29. Pomeranz W.E. Russian Protectionism and the Strategic Sectors Law // American University International Law Review. – No. 25. – Pp. 214-217.
  30. Positioned for Growth: Ernst and Young's 2012 Attractiveness Survey // Ernst and Young. Available at: www.ey.com/Publication/vwLUAssets/Positioned_for_growth/$FILE/Positioned_for_growth.pdf
  31. Povey G., Melkonian A. Doing Business in Russia: Your Tax and Legal Lighthouse. KPMG in Russia and the CIS Tax and Legal. – 2012. – 46 p.
  32. Recent Amendments to the Russian Strategic Investments Law // Squire Sanders Client Newsletter. Available at: www.squiresanders.com/ de/ recent_amendments_ to_the_russian_ strategic_ investments_law
  33. Report of the Working Party on the Accession of the Russian Federation to the World Trade Organization. Available at: www.economy.gov.ru/minec/press/news/doc20111111_5? presentationtemplate= docHTMLTemplate2& presentationtemplateid=76b66780446888f597aef7af753c8a7e& WCM_Page.ResetAll=TRUE& CACHE=NONE& CONTENTCACHE=NONE& CONNECTORCACHE=NONE
  34. Russia: Investment regulations. Available at: www.alacrastore.com/storecontent/ eiuftxml/ VW_VW_MAIN_ 20111207T140500_ 0001
  35. Russia: Strategic sectors law has mixed effects // Oxford Analytica. Available at: www.oxan.com/display.aspx? ItemID=DB143267
  36. Russian Government Explains President's Decree on Strategic Enterprises. Available at: www.accessmylibrary.com/ article-1G1-158898810/ putin-amends-list- strategic.html
  37. Salans Client Alert, 2011. Available at: www.salans.com/ en-GB/sitecore/ Content/Salans/ Global/Items/ People/S/~/ media/Assets/ Salans/Publications/ 2011/ 20111202-Strategic%20 Investment%20 Law%20 Amendments%20 ENG.ashx
  38. Sprenger C. Presentation at the OECD Roundtable on Corporate Governance of SOEs. Available at: www.oecd.org/corporate/ corporateaffairs/ corporategovernanceprinciples/42576825.pdf
  39. Stott M. Insight – Putin's Russia: more fragile than it looks // Reuters. Available at: www.reuters.com/article/2012/11/01/us- russia-putin- idUSBRE8A01HA20121101
  40. Strategic Sectors Law Update – First Commission Meeting of 2012 // The Russia Monitor. Available at: www.therussiamonitor.com/2012/06/03/strategic-sectors- law-update-first- Committee-meeting-of-2012/
  41. Sweeney C., Zhdannikov D. Agents 'hunted Gazprom documents' in BP Russian raids // Reuters. Available at: www.reuters.com/article/2008/04/02/us-russia-bp-idUSL0251333720080402
  42. Transcript of Prime Minister Putin's remarks to the Russian Government's Foreign Investment Oversight Commission. Available at: www.government.ru/eng/docs/18852/
  43. Tsyganov A. Control over Foreign Investments in the Economic Entities of Strategic Importance. Available at: www.usrbc.org/pics/File/tsyganov/FZ-57%20USRBC%202012%20%5 BCompatibility%20 Mode%5D.pdf
  44. Understanding the WTO: the Agreements. Overview: a navigational guide // The World Trade Organization. Available at: www.wto.org/english/thewto_e/whatis_e/tif_e/agrm1_e.htm
  45. Vasilyev V. Legal Restrictions on Foreign Investment in the Russian Mining Sector // World Finance Review. Available at: www.yklaw.ru/datadocs/doc_2431bu.pdf
  1. "2012 Investment Climate Statement – Russia", U.S. Department of State, Bureau of Economic and Business Affairs, available at: www.state.gov/e/eb/rls/othr/ics/2012/191223.htm
  2. Blomfield, A., "Russia bans sturgeon fishing in the Caspian Sea", The Telegraph, available at: www.telegraph.co.uk/earth/earthnews/3337528/Russia-bans-sturgeon-fishing-in-Caspian-Sea.html
  3. Budylin, S., Dyakin, D., Evseev, D., Gill, Y., Heath, J., Kelley, C. (2010), "Russia", International Lawyer, No. 44, p. 737.
  4. Butler, W.E. (2009), Russian Law. 3rd ed., Oxford University Press, Oxford, 860 p.
  5. "Congressional Votes Pave Way for Permanent normal Trade Relations with Russia and Moldova", Office of the United States Trade Representative, available at: www.ustr.gov/russia
  6. "Corruption Perceptions Index", Transparency International, available at: http://cpi.transparency.org/cpi2011/results/
  7. "Definition of FDI (Foreign Direct Investment)", available at: www.economics.about.com/cs/economicsglossary/g/fdi.htm
  8. Devyatyarov, E., "FAS will oblige Singaporeans to observe state secrets", Izvestia, available at: www.izvestia.ru/news/524361
  9. "Edict of the President No. 1009", available at: http://archive.kremlin.ru/text/docs/2004/08/75174.shtml
  10. Fagan, D.N. (2008), "The U.S. Regulator and Institutional Framework for FDI", available at: www.vcc.columbia.edu/pubs/documents/FaganFinalEnglish_001.pdf
  11. "FDI in Figures 2012", OECD, available at: www.oecd.org/ daf/ internationalinvestment/ investmentstatisticsandanalysis/ FDI%20in%20 figures.pdf
  12. "Federal Law No. 322-FZ", available at: www.tax.eycis.info/ RL.nsf/ da516d467fdcef4 dc325695f00338be0/ e9455c806c97d 705c32575bb00 3704fe? OpenDocument/
  13. "Federal Law No. 57-FZ "On the Procedure for Foreign Investments in the Business Entities of Strategic Importance for Russian National Defence and State Security", available at: www.wipo.int/wipolex/en/text.jsp?file_id=188843
  14. "Foreign direct investment, net inflows in U.S. $", The World Bank, available at: http://data.worldbank.org/indicator/BX.KLT.DINV.CD.WD?page=3
  15. "Foreign Investment and Strategic Investments in Russia", Russian Law Online, available at: www.russianlawonline.com/ content/ foreign-investments- strategic- investments- russia
  16. "Foreign investment in strategic industries: first set of amendments. Debvoise and Plimpton Client Update", available at: www.debevoise.com/ files/Publication/ d7993aa3- 8c3c-43a8-a2d7- ca2d86f3f0fa/ Presentation/ PublicationAttachment/ 54dc9828-f07d-450f- b42f-ddec537ba3eb/ Foreign Investmentsin Strategic Industries First Setof Amendments.pdf
  17. "Foreign Investments in India", Reserve Bank of India, available at: www.rbi.org.in/scripts/faqview.aspx?id=26
  18. Frenkel, W.G., Sukham, M.Y. (1993), "New Foreign Investment Regimes of Russia and other Republics of the Former U.S.S.R.: A Legislative Analysis and Historical Perspective", Boston College International and Comparative Law Review, No. 16, pp. 338-340.
  19. Gati, T.T., "Russia New Law on Foreign Investment in Strategic Sectors and the Role of State Corporations in the Russian Economy", available at: www.akingump.com/ files/ upload/ Foreign_ Investment%20 in%20 Russian%20 Strategic%20 Sectors%20- %20by%20 Toby%20 T.%20 Gati.pdf
  20. Gosling, T., "39 Steps down for the Cabinet's liberal faction", Russia Profile, available at: http://russiaprofile.org/business/a1184930779/print_edition/
  21. Gosling, T., "Russia Bounces Back, Mega FDI Deals Pump Up Confidence", Russia and India Report, available at: www.indrus.in/ articles/ 2011/ 02/ 09/ russia_ bounces_ back_ mega_ fdi_ deals_ pump_ up_ confidence_ 12143.html
  22. Heath, J. (2008), "Strategic Protectionism? National Security and Foreign Investment in the Russian Federation", available at www.works.bepress.com/jesse_heath/1/
  23. Jackson, J.K. (2006), "The Exon-Florio National Security Test for Foreign Investment", CRS Report for Congress, available at: www.fas.org/sgp/crs/natsec/RS22197.pdf
  24. Jeffries, I. (2010), Economic Developments in Contemporary Russia, Routledge, London, 576 p.
  25. Kramer, A.E., "U.S. Companies Worry About Effect of Russia Joining W.T.O.", available at: www.nytimes.com/ 2012/08/22/business/ with-russia-joining-wto- us-companies- worry-about- losing-business.html? pagewanted=all&_r=0
  26. Kramer, A.E., Reed, S., "BP Will Switch Russian Partners Through a Deal with Rosneft", New York Times, available at: www.dealbook.nytimes.com/2012/10/22/bp-near-deal- to-sell-assets-to-rosneft/
  27. MacFadyen, K. (2011), "Russian Reversal", Mergers and Acquisitions, No. 2(46), p. 12.
  28. Mellow, C., "Russia Tries to Court Foreign Investment", Institutional Investor, available at: http://search.proquest.com.ezaccess.libraries.psu.edu/ docview/903703371
  29. Pomeranz, W.E. (2010), "Russian Protectionism and the Strategic Sectors Law", American University International Law Review, No. 25, pp. 214-217.
  30. "Positioned for Growth: Ernst and Young's 2012 Attractiveness Survey", Ernst and Young, available at: www.ey.com/ Publication/ vwLUAssets/ Positioned_for_growth/$FILE/ Positioned_for_growth.pdf
  31. Povey, G., Melkonian, A. (2012), Doing Business in Russia: Your Tax and Legal Lighthouse. KPMG in Russia and the CIS Tax and Legal, 46 p.
  32. "Recent Amendments to the Russian Strategic Investments Law", Squire Sanders Client Newsletter, available at: www.squiresanders.com/ de/ recent_ amendments_ to_ the_ russian_ strategic_ investments_law
  33. "Report of the Working Party on the Accession of the Russian Federation to the World Trade Organization", available at: www.economy.gov.ru/ minec/ press/ news/ doc20111111_5? presentationtemplate= docHTMLTemplate2& presentationtemplateid= 76b66780446888f597aef7af753c8a7e& WCM_Page. ResetAll=TRUE& CACHE=NONE& CONTENTCACHE= NONE& CONNECTORCACHE= NONE
  34. "Russia: Investment regulations", available at: www.alacrastore.com/ storecontent/ eiuftxml/ VW_VW_MAIN_ 20111207T140500_ 0001
  35. "Russia: Strategic sectors law has mixed effects", Oxford Analytica, available at: www.oxan.com/display.aspx?ItemID=DB143267
  36. "Russian Government Explains President's Decree on Strategic Enterprises", available at: www.accessmylibrary.com/article-1G1-158898810/putin-amends-list-strategic.html
  37. "Salans Client Alert, 2011", available at: www.salans.com/ en-GB/ sitecore/ Content/ Salans/ Global/ Items/ People/ S/~/media/ Assets/ Salans/ Publications/ 2011/ 20111202-Strategic%20 Investment%20 Law%20 Amendments%20 ENG.ashx
  38. Sprenger, C., "Presentation at the OECD Roundtable on Corporate Governance of SOEs", available at: www.oecd.org/ corporate/ corporateaffairs/ corporategovernanceprinciples/ 42576825.pdf
  39. Stott, M., "Insight – Putin's Russia: more fragile than it looks", Reuters, available at: www.reuters.com/ article/ 2012/11/01/ us-russia-putin- idUSBRE8A01HA20121101
  40. "Strategic Sectors Law Update – First Commission Meeting of 2012", The Russia Monitor, available at: www.therussiamonitor.com/ 2012/06/03/ strategic-sectors-law-update- first-Committee- meeting-of-2012/
  41. Sweeney, C., Zhdannikov, D., "Agents 'hunted Gazprom documents' in BP Russian raids", Reuters, available at: www.reuters.com/article/2008/04/02/us-russia-bp-idUSL0251333720080402
  42. "Transcript of Prime Minister Putin's remarks to the Russian Government's Foreign Investment Oversight Commission", available at: www.government.ru/eng/docs/18852/
  43. Tsyganov, A. (2012), "Control over Foreign Investments in the Economic Entities of Strategic Importance", available at: www.usrbc.org/ pics/File/ tsyganov/ FZ-57%20USRBC%202012%20% 5BCompatibility%20 Mode%5D.pdf
  44. "Understanding the WTO: the Agreements. Overview: a navigational guide", The World Trade Organization, available at: www.wto.org/english/thewto_e/whatis_e/tif_e/agrm1_e.htm
  45. Vasilyev, V. (2011), "Legal Restrictions on Foreign Investment in the Russian Mining Sector," World Finance Review, available at: www.yklaw.ru/datadocs/doc_2431bu.pdf
Файлы / Files 2-bam-joshua.pdf

Выходные данные журнала «Вопросы российского и международного права», в котором размещена статья / Publisher's imprint of the journal "Matters of Russian and International Law", which includes the article