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Статья «Соотношение вещных и исключительных прав государственных и муниципальных предприятий и учреждений: теоретические аспекты» / Article "Co-relation of corporeal and exclusive rights of state and municipal enterprises and institutions: theoretical aspects"

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Архивные данные статьи Грипич С.А. / Archival data of the article written by Gripich S.A.

Выходные данные научной статьи / Article output data

Раздел / Sectional title
Дискуссионные вопросы современной гражданско-правовой науки
Discussion of contemporary issues of civil science
Страницы / Pages 63-75
Тип / Type [RAR] – Научная статья
Коды / Numbers [УДК] 347
Заглавие / Title
Соотношение вещных и исключительных прав государственных и муниципальных предприятий и учреждений: теоретические аспекты
Co-relation of corporeal and exclusive rights of state and municipal enterprises and institutions: theoretical aspects
Авторы / Authors
Сергей Анатольевич
Аспирант кафедры частного права,
Институт экономики, управления и права, Российский государственный гуманитарный университет
Sergei Anatol'evich
Postgraduate student of the department of private law,
Institute of Economics, Management and Law, Russian State University for the Humanities
Аннотация / Abstract
В статье рассматриваются теоретические аспекты вещных и исключительных прав, анализируется их соотношение в контексте функционирования государственных и муниципальных учреждений и предприятий.
Corporeal right is a sub-sector of civil law, which source put together various regulatory legal acts. Accounting for the scope of regulation of civil law, property relations are influenced by the norms of other branches of law – enforcement and regulatory. This impact can be expressed, for instance, in the form of protection of subjective corporeal rights, preventive effect on the behavior of the subjects of law (criminal, administrative law), in the regulation of possible regulatory actions by public legal entities in relation to objects of corporeal rights of other persons. Exploring the problems of co-relation of corporeal and exclusive rights the author comes to the conclusion that these right represent similar, but not identical systems, respectively expressing the structure of the content and form of positive law.
Exclusive rights are one of the objects of trust management on express indication. They can move particularly under the contract of sale of an enterprise as a property complex, including the rights to the trade name, trademark, service mark or other means of identification of seller, commodities, works and services, as well as the right to use such funds on the basis of licenses. They can be vested under the enterprise rental contract with the transfer to the lessee the lessor's rights on marking out, which individualize its performance, as well as other exceptional (for example, patent-licensing) rights. Exclusive rights can be gifted, sold at public auctions as a subject of a pledge or a sale of the enterprise (business) as a debtor under the trusteeship or bankruptcy proceedings.
Текст / Text
Introduction The science of civil law has repeatedly drawn attention...
Ключевые слова / Keywords
Вещное право
исключительное право
Гражданский кодекс РФ
муниципальное предприятие
Конституция РФ
юридическое лицо
Corporeal right
exclusive right
the Civil Code of the Russian Federation
municipal enterprise
the Constitution of the Russian Federation
legal entity
Ссылки / References
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Файлы / Files 3-gripich.pdf

Выходные данные журнала «Вопросы российского и международного права», в котором размещена статья / Publisher's imprint of the journal "Matters of Russian and International Law", which includes the article