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Статья «Стратегии защиты от должностных преступлений» / Article "White-Collar Crime Defense Strategies"

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Архивные данные статьи П.Готтшальк / Archival data of the article written by Dr. P.Gottschalk

Выходные данные научной статьи / Article output data

Раздел / Sectional title
Спорные вопросы современной уголовно-правовой науки
Controversial issues of modern criminal legal science
Страницы / Pages 19-37
Тип / Type [RAR] – Научная статья
Коды / Numbers [УДК] 343.35
Заглавие / Title
Стратегии защиты от должностных преступлений
White-Collar Crime Defense Strategies
Авторы / Authors
Петер Готтшальк
Управляющий директор, автор книг, Профессор информационных систем и управления знаниями кафедры лидерского и организационного поведения,
Норвежская Бизнес Школа
Dr. Petter Gottschalk
Managing director, book author, professor of information systems and knowledge management in the department of leadership and organizational behavior,
BI Norwegian Business School
Аннотация / Abstract
В статье рассматриваются три стратегии, применяемые адвокатами при рассмотрении должностных (беловоротничковых) преступлений, которые особенно примечательны при рассмотрении стратегий защиты от должностных преступлений от других оборонных стратегий в юридической практике.
The article considers three specific strategies applied by white-collar crime attorneys can be identified. First, substance defense strategy is concerned with when and how an attorney decides to defend the client in a substantive way. Often, the substantive defense starts at a much earlier stage than in a street crime case. Second, information control strategy is concerned with what and how crucial information is controlled to make it difficult, and sometimes impossible, for the police and prosecution to get the complete picture. Often, information control defense is able to keep secrets and to claim that pieces of information are irrelevant. In police investigations, there are normally a number of information sources, often more than a dozen, as we shall see in this chapter. Controlling and limiting some source can cause the crime puzzle never to be solved in police investigations. Third, symbolic defense strategy addresses all other means that the attorney can apply to divert attention away from legal issues. An example is to portrait the offender as a victim in the press.
Текст / Text
Introduction Three themes are particularly noteworthy when...
Ключевые слова / Keywords
Стратегия защиты
должностное преступление
адвокат защиты
Defense strategy
white-collar crime
defense lawyer
Ссылки / References
  1. Chaffey D., White G. Business Information Management, Second Edition. – London, UK: Prentice Hall, 2011. – 688 p.
  2. Haakaas E. Acta-saken kan smuldre bort (Acta case can mold away) // Afteposten. – 2009. – Økonomidelen. – P. 2.
  3. Kirkebøen S.E. Politiet vil lese advokatpost (Police want to read lawyer mail) // Aftenposten. – 2011. – Lørdag 29, januar. – P. 7.
  4. Kiser G.C. Book Review of Defending White-Collar Crime // Social Science Quarterly. – 1986. – No. 41. – Pp. 655-656.
  5. Kopon A., Sungaila M.C. The Perils of Oversharing: Can the Attorney-Client Privilege be Broadly Waived by Partially Disclosing Attorney Communications During Negotiations? // Defense Counsel Journal. – 2012. – July. – Pp. 265-277.
  6. Langbach T. Forsvareren (The Defense Lawyer). – Oslo: Juridisk Forlag, 1996. – 456 p.
  7. Mann K. Defending White-Collar Crime: A Game Without Rules. – New Haven: Yale University Press, 1985. – 280 p.
  8. Weisburd D., Wheeler S., Waring E., Bode N. Crimes of the Middle Classes. – New Haven: Yale University Press, 1991. – 232 p.
  1. Chaffey, D., White, G. (2011), Business Information Management, Second Edition, Prentice Hall, London, UK, 688 p.
  2. Haakaas, E. (2009), "Acta-saken kan smuldre bort (Acta case can mold away)", Afteposten, Økonomidelen, p. 2.
  3. Kirkebøen, S.E. (2011), "Politiet vil lese advokatpost (Police want to read lawyer mail)", Aftenposten, lørdag 29. januar, p. 7.
  4. Kiser, G.C. (1986), "Book Review of Defending White-Collar Crime", Social Science Quarterly, No. 41, pp. 655-656.
  5. Kopon, A., Sungaila, M.C. (2012), "The Perils of Oversharing: Can the Attorney-Client Privilege be Broadly Waived by Partially Disclosing Attorney Communications During Negotiations?", Defense Counsel Journal, July, pp. 265-277.
  6. Langbach, T. (1996), Forsvareren (The Defense Lawyer), Juridisk Forlag, Oslo, 456 p.
  7. Mann, K. (1985), Defending White-Collar Crime: A Game Without Rules, Yale University Press, New Haven, 280 p.
  8. Weisburd, D., Wheeler, S., Waring, E., Bode, N. (1991), Crimes of the Middle Classes, Yale University Press, New Haven, 232 p.
Файлы / Files 2-gottschalk.pdf

Выходные данные журнала «Вопросы российского и международного права», в котором размещена статья / Publisher's imprint of the journal "Matters of Russian and International Law", which includes the article