Article output data
Страницы / Pages | 65-73 |
Тип / Type | [RAR] – Научная статья |
Коды / Numbers | [УДК] 39 |
Заглавие / Title |
История и этнография чувашского народа в произведениях русских писателей XIX века[ENG]
History and ethnography of the Chuvash people in the works of Russian writers of the XIX century |
Авторы / Authors |
Аннотация / Abstract |
История болгаро-чувашского народа освещалась в различных произведениях, вначале в русских летописях, которые затрагивали историю, дипломатию и геополитику Руси и Волжской Болгарии. Писал о болгарах Ибн Русте, Ибн Фадлан и другие. Таким образом, болгаро-чуваши были изанстны, но до 1508 г. как болгары, а с начала XVI века – как чуваши.
Ethnographers are actively engaged in the study of Chuvash region from the middle of the XVI century, but especially since the XVII century. The reason for this interest is connected to the Christianization of the Chuvash, as well as with large numbers of the Chuvash in Russia. In 1700, there were more than 230 thousand of the Chuvash people, and the Kazan Tatars were smaller. Many travelers and ethnographers began actively explore the life, religion, clothing, traditions of the Chuvash from the mid XIX century. Simbirsk Chuvash school and various respectable researchers from the 1870s actively started to research on the study of the history, ethnography, language and traditions. Analyzing the works of Russian authors, we can see the historicism of the Chuvash people. They have depicted the truth on history, culture of the Chuvash people. For that moment, Russian writers have not been familiar with the various alternative concepts of the origin of the Chuvash people. They did not politicize the history and culture of the peoples of the Middle Volga.
Текст / Text |
Введение Этнографы активно занялись изучением Чувашского края…
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Ключевые слова / Keywords |
этнография культура Чувашский край чуваши [ENG]
ethnography culture Chuvash region the Chuvash |
Библиография / References |
Файлы / Files | 5-tafaev.pdf |
Для цитирования / For citation |
Тафаев Г.И. История и этнография чувашского народа в произведениях русских писателей XIX века // Культура и цивилизация. – 2014. – № 3. – С. 65-73.
Tafaev, G.I. (2014), "History and ethnography of the Chuvash people in the works of Russian writers of the XIX century" ["Istoriya i etnografiya chuvashskogo naroda v proizvedeniyakh russkikh pisatelei XIX veka"], Kul'tura i tsivilizatsiya (Culture and Civilization), No. 3, pp. 65-73.
Архивные данные журнала по культурологии № 3 за 2014 год «Культура и цивилизация», в котором размещена статья / Publisher's imprint of the journal "Culture and Civilization", which includes the article.
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