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Статья «Роль астрономических наблюдений в развитии мифологии и философии древности»

Article "The role of astronomical observations in the development of ancient mythology and philosophy"

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Архивные данные научной статьи Поляковой О.О.

Archival data of the article written by Polyakova O.O.

Выходные данные культурологической статьи

Article output data

Рубрика / Features
Теория и история культуры
Theory and history of culture
Страницы / Pages 9-30
Тип / Type [RAR] – Научная статья
Коды / Numbers [УДК] 930.85
Заглавие / Title
Роль астрономических наблюдений в развитии мифологии и философии древности
The role of astronomical observations in the development of ancient mythology and philosophy
Авторы / Authors
Ольга Олеговна
Соискатель кафедры философии,
Челябинский государственный университет
Ol'ga Olegovna
Competitor at the Department of philosophy,
Chelyabinsk State University
Аннотация / Abstract
Статья посвящена роли астрономических наблюдений, в частности, наблюдения за Полярными звездами, в развитии мифологии и философии древнего мира. Автор указывает на значение появления Полярных звезд как «оси мира» и на связь Полярных звезд с идеями монотеизма и вселенского закона.
Article focuses on the role of astronomical observations in the development of philosophy and mythology of the ancient world. Observation of celestial objects helped to develop the figurative symbolic stage of human cognition. The author points out the importance of the emergence of the Pole Stars as the "axis of the world" and the communication of Pole Stars with the ideas of monotheism and universal law. The idea of axial universal law could be born as a result of observing the fixed center of a celestial object. The author traces images of the North Star in the mythology of ancient Greece (Hercules and Atlas), Vedic mythology (snake Indra and the constellation of the Dragon) and other nations of the world. Ages with Pole Stars, as a rule, are characterized by the appearance of the central characters of the divine, monotheistic idea of a single universal law of development. Ages without Pole Stars usually led to a loss of the symbol of one God, unless it remained in the traditional teachings, and then to the explaining of the diversity of nature. The unity of the solar-axial symbols in art and mythology of many nations demonstrates the importance of the study of the archaeoastronomy of the past.
Текст / Text
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Ключевые слова / Keywords
Полярные звезды
развитие человечества
образно-символьное мышление
образно-знаковое мышление
сравнительная мифология
Pole stars
human development
figurative and symbolic thinking
comparative mythology
Библиография / References
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Для цитирования / For citation
Полякова О.О. Роль астрономических наблюдений в развитии мифологии и философии древности // Культура и цивилизация. – 2014. – № 6. – С. 9-30.
Polyakova O.O. (2014) Rol' astronomicheskikh nablyudenii v razvitii mifologii i filosofii drevnosti [The role of astronomical observations in the development of ancient mythology and philosophy]. Kul'tura i tsivilizatsiya [Culture and Civilization], 6, pp. 9-30.

Архивные данные журнала по культурологии № 6 за 2014 год «Культура и цивилизация», в котором размещена статья / Publisher's imprint of the journal "Culture and Civilization", which includes the article.