Article output data
Страницы / Pages | 9-25 |
Тип / Type | [RAR] – Научная статья |
Коды / Numbers | [УДК] 94 (571.54) |
Заглавие / Title |
Введение волостного управления в Бурятии (кон. XIX – нач. XX вв.)[ENG]
Introduction of volost administration in Buryatia (the end of XIX – beginning of the XX centuries) |
Авторы / Authors |
Аннотация / Abstract |
Статья посвящена волостной реформе в Бурятии на рубеже XIX-XX веков в рамках истории административного управления Российским государством Бурятией. В работе прослежен процесс уничтожения органов местного самоуправления региона в лице бурятских Степных дум.
The article is dedicated to volost reform in Buryatia at the turn of the XIX-XX centuries within history of administrative management by the Russian state Buryatia.
The purpose of the work is an analysis of historical events in the region connected with the national program of tsarism concerning the subordination to all-Russian country laws by settled natives.
The methodology of research is connected with the analysis of the actual material received by studying of the main acts of that time, archival materials and scientific literature.
The author comes to a conclusion: with the introduction of the volost reform the administrative structure of the Buryats, based on the organization by the count Speransky, enacted almost eighty years ago, has been abrogated. During this time local governments – Steppe dumas – managed to make a considerable improvement of living conditions of indigenous people of the region.
Carrying out volost reform meant destruction of self-government of indigenous people of the region which existed throughout almost all the XIX century represented by the Buryat Steppe dumas.
Текст / Text |
Введение Вступление России на путь капитализма…
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Ключевые слова / Keywords |
История административного управления Бурятии
волостное управление реорганизация степного управления институт крестьянских начальников ликвидация Степных дум [ENG]
History of administrative management of Buryatia
volost administration reorganization of steppe administration institute of peasant chiefs elimination of Steppe dumas |
Библиография / References |
Файлы / Files | 1-baldanov.pdf |
Выходные архивные данные исторического журнала «“Белые пятна” российской и мировой истории» № 1-2 за 2014 год, в котором размещена статья / Publisher's imprint of the journal "White Spots" of the Russian and World History", which includes the article.
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