Article output data
Страницы / Pages | 74-90 |
Тип / Type | [RAR] – Научная статья |
Коды / Numbers | [УДК] 94(575.3) |
Заглавие / Title |
Таджикистан: история языковой независимости[ENG]
Tajikistan: the history of language independence |
Авторы / Authors |
Аннотация / Abstract |
Статья посвящена истории становления языковой политики и политической риторики в современном Таджикистане. Рассмотрены история взаимоотношений русской и таджикской культур в языковом измерении, происхождение и формирование национальной политической риторики, статус русского языка в государстве.
The article is devoted to the language politics in Tajikistan nowadays. The purpose of this paper is a comprehensive description of the current state of languages and rhetirics in education, politics, and science, various social spheres in Tajikistan and forecasting of the possible directions of changes of the status of the language politics. The research reveals the history of relations between the Russian and Tajik cultures in the language perspective, the history of national politic rhetoric, the role of the Russian language in present days. Language policy in Tajikistan considers the role of the Russian language, aims to preserve common cultural features of the Russian language, to normalize the relations between the languages of the republic, along with the important task to effect on functional status and standardization of the Tajik language, normalization and standardization of its terminology, etc. However, the language policy in Tajikistan is first of all the monolingual policy. The author concludes that the language policy of modern Tajikistan is characterized by a certain inconsistency, which is reflected primarily on the status of Russian language, which by law is limited in application, this process is to some extent contrary to the needs of the population, especially young people (targeted to work in Russia), in particular, the Russian language is increasingly used by citizens of Tajikistan in the computer and Internet communications.
Текст / Text |
Введение История суверенитета отмечена в республике Таджикистан…
(Вы можете ознакомиться в файле ПДФ c полным текстом научной статьи по истории)
Ключевые слова / Keywords |
История Таджикистана
русский язык постсоветское пространство языковая политика история политической риторики символы таджикской государственности [ENG]
History of Tajikistan
Russian language post-Soviet space language policy the history of political rhetoric the symbols of the Tajik state |
Библиография / References |
Файлы / Files | 5-usmonov.pdf |
Для цитирования / For citation |
Усмонов Р.А. Таджикистан: история языковой независимости // «Белые пятна» российской и мировой истории. – 2014. – № 5. – С. 74-90.
Usmonov, R.A. (2014) Tadzhikistan: istoriya yazykovoi nezavisimosti [Tajikistan: the history of language independence]. "Belye pyatna" rossiiskoi i mirovoi istorii ["White Spots" of the Russian and World History], 5, pp. 74-90 (In Russian).
Выходные архивные данные исторического журнала № 5 за 2014 год «“Белые пятна” российской и мировой истории», в котором размещена статья / Publisher's imprint of the journal "White Spots" of the Russian and World History", which includes the article.
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