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Научная статья по филологии «Врата севера и юга, или мужество жить в “Книге Тэль” У. Блейка»

Article "The Northern and the Southern bars, or the Courage to live in W. Blake's "The Book of Thel"

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Архивные данные статьи по филологическим наукам Токаревой Г.А.

Archival data of the article written by Tokareva G.A.

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Article output data

Раздел / Sectional title
Вольные каноны Блейка
Blake's Loose Canons
Страницы / Pages 93-106
Тип / Type [RAR] – Научная статья
Коды / Numbers [УДК] 821.111
Заглавие / Title
Врата севера и юга, или мужество жить в «Книге Тэль» У. Блейка
The Northern and the Southern bars, or the Courage to live in W. Blake's "The Book of Thel"
Авторы / Authors
Галина Альбертовна
Доктор филологических наук, профессор кафедры «История и философия»,
Камчатский государственный технический университет
Galina Al'bertovna
Full Doctor of Philology, Professor of History and Philosophy Department,
Kamchatka State Technical University
(Более подробную информацию об авторе научной статьи, Токарева Галина Альбертовна, Вы можете просмотреть в рубрике «Персоналии»)
Аннотация / Abstract
В работе исследуется раннее произведение У. Блейка «Книга Тэль» с позиции его жанровой принадлежности. В статье полемически представлена неоплатоническая доктрина о нерожденной душе, художественно интерпретируемая Блейком, и дается собственное прочтение философского замысла автора на основе мифопоэтического подхода к тексту.
In this article the early work of William Blake The Book of Thel is analyzed from the viewpoint of its genre affiliation. The interest to this early Blake poem is dictated not only by the desire to understand the process of formation of the English poet unique artistic method deeply, but also by a quite reasonable interest to traits of elegy and pastoral genres which we find in the text, at the same time paying attention to the author controversy with genre canon. The article presents Neoplatonic doctrine of unborn soul, interpreted by Blake, and gives the new reading of the author philosophical intent on the basis of mythopoetics. The author comes to the following conclusions. Thel's act is similar to the act of Adam and Eve, but with a minus: the things that did not scare the mankind progenitors, horrify delicate Thel. Pointless happy inhabitants of the valley of Har – Har and Heva – are unanimously seen by researchers as the biblical Adam and Eve refused to disrupt the Creator's ban. Giving his heroine a choice, Blake (taking into account the close relationship of two of his early poems: Book of Thel and Tiriel) outlined both ways.
Текст / Text
Элегия, пастораль или их опровержение? Задаваясь вопросом…
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Ключевые слова / Keywords
онтологический конфликт
ontological conflict
Библиография / References
  1. Афанасьева К. Уильям Блейк. Песнь свободы: Пролог, или основание. «Тириэль» и «Книга Тэль»: мытарства земной души // Темница и свобода в художественном мире романтизма. – М.: ИМЛИ РАН, 2002. – С.189-223.
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  13. Frye N. Fearful Symmetry. A Study of William Blake. – Princeton, 1990. – 472 p.
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  17. Read D.M. Blake’s «Tender Stranger»: Thel and Hervey’s Meditations // Colby Library Quarterly. – 1982. – No 18. – P.160-167.
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  4. Bloom, H. (1971), The Visionary Company. A readings of English Romantic Poetry, N.Y.: Cornell University Press, 506 p.
  5. Bloom, H. (1988), Commentary, The Complete Poetry & Prose of William Blake, N.Y.: Anchor books, pp. 894-972.
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  8. Damon, S.F. (1988), A Blake Dictionary. The Ideas and Symbols of William Blake, Hanover, London: University Press of New England, 573 p.
  9. Friedlander, M.D. "Enjoying "The Book of Thel" by William Blake", available at: Linkspathguy.com›thel.htm
  10. Frye, N. (1990), Fearful Symmetry. A Study of William Blake, Princeton, 472 p.
  11. Heppner, С. (1977), "A Desire of Being": Identity and The Book of Thel", Follow Colby Library Quarterly, Vol. 13, No 2, pp. 79-98.
  12. Homer (1985), Odyssey, tr. V. Zhukovskii, Moscow, 320 p.
  13. Keynes, J.A. (1921), Bibliography of William Blake, New York: Grolier Club, 516 p.
  14. Levinson, M. (1980), "The Book of Thel by William Blake: A Critical Reading", English Literary History, No 47, pp. 287-303.
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  16. Read, D.M. (1982), "Blake's "Tender Stranger": Thel and Hervey's Meditations", Colby Library Quarterly, No 18, pp. 160-167.
  17. Zykova, E.P. (1999), Pastoral' v angliiskoi literature XVIII veka [Pastoral in English Literature of the XVIII century], Moscow, 249 p.
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Выходные архивные данные филологического журнала «Язык. Словесность. Культура», в котором размещена статья / Publisher's imprint of the journal of philology "Language. Philology. Culture", where the article posted.