Article output data
Страницы / Pages | 29-50 |
Тип / Type | [RAR] – Научная статья |
Коды / Numbers | [УДК] 130.2 |
Заглавие / Title |
Основы православной культуры в средней школе: новые учебники[ENG]
Fundamentals of Orthodox Culture in secondary school: new textbooks |
Авторы / Authors |
Аннотация / Abstract |
В данной статье автор описывает развитие учебной литературы по основам православной культуры, дает качественную оценку, насколько учебные материалы могут помочь преподавателю в ознакомлении учеников с православной культурой.
Recently, the number of students studying Orthodox culture gas been gradually increased, there are more books on this subject. Does the quantity convert to quality here? Do children get a comprehensive knowledge from colorful books, written by respectable people with doctoral and PhD degrees?
Educational literature on the fundamentals of Orthodox culture even if develops, therefore only downward. All textbooks, published after the educational book of protodeacon A.V. Kuraev, are not in the least culturological, but religious works. But even religious teaching in these textbooks are not always adequately transmitted and reflects highly subjective views of the authors or certain religious groups. Therefore, it is unlikely that we can expect serious progress in the teaching of the Orthodox module in the nearest future – both in terms of cultural studies, as well as from the perspective of an objective and conscientious acquaintanceship with the Orthodox doctrinal statements.
Текст / Text |
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Ключевые слова / Keywords |
Православная культура
духовный мир церковь учебник средняя школа [ENG]
Orthodox culture
spiritual world church textbook secondary school |
Библиография / References |
Файлы / Files | 3-izyumskii.pdf |
Выходные архивные данные философского журнала № 1-2`2014 «Контекст и рефлексия: философия о мире и человеке», в котором размещена статья / Publisher's imprint of the journal "Context and Reflection: Philosophy of the World and Human Being", which includes the article.
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