Article output data
Страницы / Pages | 86-104 |
Тип / Type | [RAR] – Научная статья |
Коды / Numbers | [УДК] 159.964.21 |
Заглавие / Title |
Процесс сепарации в европейских психоаналитических концепциях бессознательного[ENG]
The separation process in European psychoanalytic theories of the unconscious |
Авторы / Authors |
Аннотация / Abstract |
Статья посвящена трактовке процесса сепарации в истории психоанализа. Автор уделяет внимание стадиям процесса сепарации и его причинам, комментирует мнения исследователей, дает теоретические заключения и практические рекомендации.
The article is devoted to the interpretation of the separation process in the history of psychoanalysis. The author focuses on the stages of the separation process and its causes, comments the researchers' opinions, gives theoretical conclusions and practical recommendations. Process of liberation from the symbiotic unity with the mother, getting of necessary traits and behaviors, gender identity, as well as the differentiation of self, occurs in the oedipal stage. The second period of separation-individuation, the main content of which is the product of an autonomous and unique individual with the abandonment of children's identification with their parents, is attributed to early adolescence in psychoanalysis. The author concludes that the separation is an intrapsychic process, a division of the separation-individuation, by which the individual acquires a self-sentiment as separate and independent from the object integrity. The ability to separation is an important component of development of each individual.
Текст / Text |
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Ключевые слова / Keywords |
сепарация индивидуация эго я взросление младенчество эдипов комплекс Фрейд детская психология теория психоанализа [ENG]
separation individuation ego I growing up childhood the Oedipus complex Freud child psychology the theory of psychoanalysis |
Библиография / References |
Файлы / Files | 5-fusu.pdf |
Для цитирования / For citation |
Фусу М.Н. Процесс сепарации в европейских психоаналитических концепциях бессознательного // Контекст и рефлексия: философия о мире и человеке. – 2014. – № 5. – С. 86-104.
Fusu, M.N. (2014) Protsess separatsii v evropeiskikh psikhoanaliticheskikh kontseptsiyakh bessoznatel'nogo [The separation process in European psychoanalytic theories of the unconscious]. Kontekst i refleksiya: filosofiya o mire i cheloveke [Context and Reflection: Philosophy of the World and Human Being], 5, pp. 86-104 (In Russian).
Выходные архивные данные философского журнала № 5`2014 «Контекст и рефлексия: философия о мире и человеке», в котором размещена статья / Publisher's imprint of the journal "Context and Reflection: Philosophy of the World and Human Being", which includes the article.
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