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Статья «Создание социально-правовых институтов по охране здоровья матери и ребенка как важное направление российской правовой политики в сфере охраны материнства и детства в советский период»

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Страницы 8-16
Тип [RAR] – Научная статья
Коды [УДК] 340.158
Создание социально-правовых институтов по охране здоровья матери и ребенка как важное направление российской правовой политики в сфере охраны материнства и детства в советский период
Development of social and legal institutes of maternal and infant health care as one of the main trends of Russian legal policy in the sphere of mother and child welfare during the Soviet period
Ольга Сергеевна
Саратовская государственная академия права
Кандидат юридических наук, доцент кафедры истории государства и права
Olga Sergeevna
Saratov State Law Academy
Candidate of Law, Assistant Professor of the History of State and Law Chair
В статье анализируется процесс создания социально-правовых институтов по охране здоровья матери и ребенка в первые годы советского государства. Определены основные направления российской правовой политики в сфере охраны материнства и детства в данный период.
The article analyses the process of development of social-legal institutions of maternal and infant health care in the first years of the Soviet rule. The main trends of Russian legal policy in the sphere of mother and child welfare at the period were defined. Formation and development of social-legal institutions of maternal and infant health care was the main trend of the legal policy of the Soviet state in the sphere of mother and child welfare and remained of higher priority in the following years of the Soviet rule. Improvement of woman-mother position – and initiation of favorable conditions for combination of maternity functions and women's active participation in labour and social activities in the first years of the Soviet power – became the basic vector of the legal policy in the sphere. Formation of the basis of the legal policy in the sphere of mother and child welfare that took place in heavy socioeconomic and political conditions of the revolution period is defined by: issuing of the decrees on mother and child welfare, establishment of regulatory bodies – People's commissariat of the RSFSR in 1918; other structures which were to organize public health services. Besides the high- priority problem of the state at this time of historic development was the organization of infant's food. The author concludes that creation of social-legal institutions of maternal and infant health care was one of the main trends of the Soviet legal policy in the sphere of mother and child welfare, which was realized through legal methods as a single strategic and systematic activity of the state, based on the socioeconomic situation in the country and reflecting purposes and intents of the young state.
Содержание правовой политики отдель...
Ключевые слова
история отечественного государства и права
правовая политика
history of state and law
legal policy
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