Раздел |
2. Уголовный процесс: проблемы, теория, практика |
Страницы | 18-26 |
Тип | [RAR] – Научная статья |
Коды | [УДК] 343.14 |
Заглавие |
Устав уголовного судопроизводства и формирование института свидетельского иммунитета в период проводимых в России правовых реформ[ENG]
The rules of criminal procedures and formation of the institution of witness immunity in the period of judicial reforms in Russia |
Авторы |
Аннотация |
Статья посвящена проблемам исторического становления свидетельского иммунитета в уголовном судопроизводстве России. В статье исследуется нормативно-правовое регулирование свидетельского иммунитета на различных этапах становления российского уголовного судопроизводства.
The article is dealing with the problems of historic formation of witness immunity in Russian criminal procedure. The article examines normative legal regulation of witness immunity at various stages of formation of Russian criminal procedures.
The judiciary reform was to strike at the worst ever kind of mercy – a judicial mercy which hides behind a mask of formal justice. The rules of the criminal procedures approved on November 20, 1864 constituted one of the fundamentals of judicial reform in Russia.
The code of criminal procedure put together the fully formed approach of the Russian legislator to the problem of admission of the possibility to use proofs in legal proceedings. It renders the fullest definition of persons who cannot be interrogated as witnesses, and when there is a necessity such persons should be questioned under the special procedure. Just at that phase of history the formation of immunity institute in criminal procedures ended up. Even today the given historical document allows us to notice such a precise definition of this set of persons.
Meanwhile it should be noted that the institution of witness immunity in accordance with the Code of criminal procedures was not isolated. It was not contained in a separate chapter, but there were enough norms which pertained to regulation of criminal- commitment procedures concerning the possibility of getting objective evidence.
The analysis of the Code norms which dealt with the possibilities of getting objective evidence allows us to come to the following conclusion. In the Russian criminal procedural legislation the institution of witness immunity was the most full-fledged just in the Code of criminal procedures of 1864.
Amid the continuous formation of modern criminal procedural legislation the examination of the criminal procedural relations experience constitutes an integral part of studying legal instructions and historical dependence of criminal procedures development. The examination of positive regulation experience of the institution of witness immunity, which existed at the period of validity of the Code of criminal procedures, makes it possible to form the given institution in the present-day legislation, at that preserving continuity in law.
Текст |
Судебная реформа призвана была нане...
Ключевые слова |
право на молчание
судебная реформа
the witness
the right for silence
judicial reform
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